BackerKit Changelog: May 2017

Dan Goldenberg
BackerKit, Product Manager

Changelog is our regular update that highlights recent additions to the BackerKit backer management system.

Enhanced Ecommerce Google Analytics

The Google Analytics integration for BackerKit hosted pre-order stores now supports “Enhanced Ecommerce” which allow creators to track advanced shopping metrics in Google Analytics.

Pre-order Store Email Sign-up Form

Hosted pre-order stores on BackerKit now feature an email sign-up form that lets backers sign up for the creator’s mailing list.

Coupon Codes

Project admins can now generate pre-order store links that will automatically add a coupon code for visitors that click through the link. This makes it easier for backers to act on coupon promotions and will increase conversion rates on promotions.

Shipping Tables

The weight-based shipping tables have been redesigned to make it easier for project admins to create pricing rules for weight ranges and avoid creating weight ranges without any pricing.

Backer Support Flow

Streamlined the backer support request process by adding filters to make it easier for backers to find the information that they need before sending a support request.

Activity Feed

We’ve improved the activity feed styling and added actionable notifications for projects as they approach important deadlines such as the survey “lock down” date.


Improved survey load time for backers viewing surveys with many answers

Added new segment filters for backer survey status.

Added a support ticket count to the project support page.