Hi all, I'm having doubts about this campaign. It's not because of the game, because that's looking good. I like the concept, I like the way it's presented, I loved the design diaries. But the way this campaign is being handled worries me. There are no reviews or playthroughs. It took a little while for stretch goals to show, but after that no news of goals being met and a well presented look of what we have achieved. They say that a lot of the layout is still being worked on, but nothing is shown. Icons are going to change, but no news. It's that lack of feedback that worries me. I'd like to know what they are working towards. There are numerous requests about more shipping info, but nothing gets communicated. It feels a bit lackluster. I hope this game does well. But the lack of updates and info on coming changes is making me wonder if I should back this or just wait for reviews and retail. What are your thoughts? Thanks and good luck with the campaign. Kinds regards, Lennard





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