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I just finished listening to Stefan's interview on Nerd's RPG Variety Cast podcast and it increased my excitement for this project! Great job Stefan! https://open.spotify.com/episode/2wdAG8ucGF4dak7ovT1kiE?si=73nislNZQ1-lGcBwySh-Pg&nd=1&dlsi=5843cf2612424a30
I also own a copy of Mr. Spider.
I *thought* it was in one of the places I was staying, and couldn't find it; bugger! Then I turn up somewhere else and I see Mr. Spider... Great! Found him! Wicked! :)
The copy of Mr. Spider keeps moving. I'm NOT kidding about this! And maybe you could blame friends for mucking about, even though they don't really know TMA... BUT Mr. Spider ALSO moves houses with me! Its now back in the house where I was before and it wasn't!!!
The next time I find Mr. Spider (and yes the damn thing has obfuscated AGAIN!) I'm going to lock it in a box and perhaps put an internet video feed on it...cos this is weird and I'm not ok with it. Yes it makes a great story, but also I'm heading to the States next week and I'd like to come back to house NOT taken over by web!
Also I'm only going to answer the door if they ring the bell and not to a Knock....just in case!
How's everyone else doing preparing to own a Lietner?!
...but what would YOU like to see?
I, Oliver, would - beyond the inclusivity aspect - love to see more...
Draping S&S like a cloak over another genre. Robert E. Howard himself did this all the time. The God in the Bowl is an S&S locked room mystery. Beyond the Black River is an S&S frontier western tale. You get the idea…
To be clear, this is not blending genres, putting cowboys in with barbarians etc. This is using some or all of the format of another genre to tell an S&S tale, in an S&S setting, with S&S characters.
Non-monarchial secondary worlds or kingdoms. We can do anything in a secondary world, it doesn’t always have to be kings and queens.
Whimsy! Not a joke. We get lots of great pulse pounding, Weird tales submitted to us, but rarely are they threaded with the kind of wry humor one finds in the works of Leiber or Vance.
How about you?
Congrats on soopa speedy pledging to Mr. Ellingsen! :P
Spread the word folks!
Choo! Choo!
Firstly I want to say I am absolutely FLOORED by the support this project has received in just the first 11 hours of launch!! Thank you so much to everybody so far who has followed and pledged to this project, it seriously means so much to me that this many people enjoy my silly kitty art 😭❤️
We are blazing through stretch goals way quicker than I even imagined. In the event that we surpass the current final stretch goal (Breeze & Heather) have some additional characters in mind to potentially add onto the roster. But I'd also like to know which characters you guys are most interested in that aren't already in the campaign! Please reply with any suggestions you have!
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So we've got "Jirel Meets Death" coming up in #5. I was a huge fan of "Mirror of Truth" and hope to see her reunite with her buddy Thevin. I love the sequel-in-form (if not content) to the classic C.L. Moore story "Jirel Meets Magic" that the title promises. That artwork of the lady of Joiry surrounded by the baneful dead? French chef's kiss! What are you hoping for in this new outing of the yellow-eyed slayer?
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Since this year's special issue will be focused on Sword & Sorcery's sibling subgenre, Sword & Planet, what are some tales in that mold which you'd suggest people take a look at? I ask in part out of self-interest. I have read some of the big names in the tradition (Burroughs, Brackett, Carter, Vance) and consumed some short fiction on the matter (I have really enjoyed Dariel R. A. Quiogue's Maruzar tales), but I feel I could learn yet more on it.
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We’ll post a longer update very soon sharing our next stretch goal (and the next sticker we want to unlock with it)! Keep that Backer Train going, and who knows how soon we can unlock it :D
Thanks again for giving us a great first day, and let’s keep this train rolling! Choo choo!
—Team MCG
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I know this comes up often, yet I feel it's worth rehashing, especially whenever new NESS fans join the fold. There's loads of S&S out there in pseudo-medieval European settings, as well as antiquity-like sword & sandal settings. What are some other cultures and world regions you'd like to see in future S&S stories? And what do y'all you suppose can be done to breathe new life into premodern, pseudo-European settings? For that matter, which authors have already done all of this really well? Totally not asking this for self-centered reasons because I keep finding myself returning to a pseudo-Gaulish setting of mine.