What is Mothership Month?
Brace yourself for Mothership Month—a group-collab project led by Tuesday Knight Games featuring some of the brightest stars from the Mothership third-party publishing (3PP) community. Each 👩‍🚀 creator has launched a brand new adventure filled with criminals, smugglers, and rimspace pirates.

Mothership Month Supply Pods

🚀 Back 5+ projects at the physical level and gain access to the SUPPLY PODS.
Every five projects that fund, you get ANOTHER Supply Pod with more free goodies.

  • 🌟 Supply Pod 1 (Unlocked!): 1 pack of Mothership CHARACTER CARDS. Each pack contains 13 pre-made character cards ready for use as pre-gen characters or NPCs. Each pack comes with at least one FOIL card.
  • 🌟 Supply Pod 2 (Unlocked!): +1 pack of Mothership CHARACTER CARDS, 5 foil campaign project stickers.
  • 🌟 Supply Pod 3 (Unlocked!): +1 pack of Mothership CHARACTER CARDS, +5 foil campaign project stickers, and an exclusive Mothership Month 24 pin!
  • 🌟 Supply Pod 4 (Unlocked!): +1 pack of Mothership CHARACTER CARDS, +11 foil campaign project stickers, and Shadow of a Doubt a brand new "reverse murder mystery" pamphlet adventure by Ian Yusem (Hull Breach, The Drain).

All in: if you back 5+ projects you're getting 4 Character Card packs (an entire deck of cards), 21 foil project stickers, an exclusive Mothership Month 24 pin, and a brand new adventure pamphlet.

Are there more Supply Pods to come? We're looking into it now!

Streams, Interviews, and more!

All month long, we're diving into the void with daily streams, unsettling interviews, and exclusive, heart-pounding reveals. Whether you're a veteran spacer or new to the Mothership, join us in celebrating the universe’s bravest survivors…and those who didn’t make it back.

Thanks for joining us on our first ever Mothership Month! 👽

PSA: What about shipping?

While it would be amazing if we could bundle all the shipping together, currently with each project's different location, fulfillment timeline, and process it's not feasible for everything to be shipped together. It's a difficult logistical problem to solve and we've got some ideas for next year to help relieve shipping burdens. A few projects may ship together based on the publisher, see each project's page for details.

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👑 Top Cross-Collab Projects

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Tuesday Knight Games
5 days ago

Project Update: Happy New Year 🎉 Here’s what we’re working on 👷‍♂️

Hey gang,

Hope you all had an amazing holiday, the TKG team took a good break for the end of the year and we’re all getting back in from being out of office, so let’s dive in!

First off, thank you all so much for making Mothership Month and Wages of Sin such huge successes. It’s been humbling to see all our third party creators thrive and flourish, and really encouraging to see the response to Wages and Megadamage. 

What’s the status?

There are a lot of moving pieces to this campaign. Let’s go through each of them:

Wages of Sin
  • Manuscript is complete.
  • Editing should be done by the end of January.
  • Final art should be turned in by the end of January.
  • Layout template is built, final layout to commence in early February.
  • Once layout is complete, the draft will be turned over to backers for preview and proofreading.
  • Final proofreading will commence after backers have turned in any errors they’ve caught.
  • Final files will then be sent to the manufacturer.

  • Final articles due by the end of January.
  • Editing happens article by article as they are turned in. Proofreading for this is handled in house.
  • Layout, graphic design, and illustration happen as the articles are turned in.
  • We will send out a preview to backers once the pre-press draft is assembled.

Pledge Manager
The basic pledge manager is up and running. You can add Add-Ons to your order now. Shipping will be charged later, closer to when the books are finished printing, as will applicable VAT and Taxes. As this is a book, VAT shouldn’t affect too many of you. We’ll be adding more products to the pledge manager over the next week or two (like PDFs of our back catalog).

We will start working on downloads for those of you who have purchased add ons in the next week.

Character Cards
The character cards have been designed and written and are waiting for final art, which should be here by the end of January. Take a look! The fronts have a full sized portrait and the backs have all the details you need to run the character. These can be used either as an NPC, or as a pre-generated PC. Finally, we have included an import code for each card, so any of these cards can be imported into the Mothership Companion App as a full fledged PC. We’re pretty excited about that. 

Stretch Goals
  • The ODC prison complex has been written. It’s an amazing addition to the book. It includes the complete plans for the prison complex, tons of new NPCs, and it makes a great location to throw your players into (or start them out at) to see if they can escape.
  • Printable Warden Posters: We’ll work on these once the books are at the printer’s.
  • New Ships: These are being designed now and should be done within the next month.
  • Audio Briefings: The scripts for these have been written, and once they make it through editing they’l be assigned to our VO team. These should release around when we fulfill the physical copies.
  • Poster Map: These will be designed once the book finishes editing.
  • Patches: The patches have been designed and should be sent off to print in the next month.

Companion App

If you haven’t heard, the Mothership Companion App recently added an amazing new VTT upgrade: you can run online sessions of Mothership from the app itself, including tokens, dice, characters, map making, and more. Here are two video tutorials about some of the recent additions.

Update schedule

We’ll release an update once each month (we’ve been bad about this in the past, but our New Year’s Resolution is to correct that.). When shipping and fulfillment commence you’ll start getting bi-weekly updates, and then after fulfillment we’ll do bi-monthly updates. 

Until then, stay warm those of you with inclement weather incoming in the US (or in the midst of it). We’ll be back in February with another update. As always, if you have any issues, please e-mail Tyler at [email protected]

user avatar image for Tuesday Knight Games




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Elliot Norwood
2 days ago

Project Update: Happy New Year!

Hello and Happy New Year! Now that funds have cleared and we are past the holidays I’m starting back in on Death Pays All Debts. 

We are about to begin a Dev edit pass on the manuscript. I’m excited to get other eyes on this project and to work with Christian on the module.

We are also in the initial phases of getting the interior illustrations done, once Brandon is able to start on those I’ll share more progress.

I have also been continuing to create more floor maps. I have a good idea of what the layout for each floor should be, just needing minor adjustments and decorations once we finalize the manuscript. 

I will also be planning on starting the patch creation and proofing process this month, to ensure those are ready to go when the rest of the project is complete. 

I hope everyone had a restful holiday season and I’m looking forward to sharing more as we develop Death Pays All Debts!




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Terry Herc
about 7 hours ago

Project Update: Preorder Store Open! Editing Underway!

Fellow explorers!

We’re excited to share the latest progress on What Was Left to Rot:
  • Preorder Store Is Live: If you missed the campaign or want to share the project with friends, the preorder store is now open! Spread the word!
  • Manuscript Update: The finished manuscript is now in the capable hands of our editor, ensuring it’s polished and ready for the next stage.
  • New Classes Drafted: The first draft of the four new classes—Smuggler, Flesh Mechanic, Data Leech, and The Law—is complete, and we’re gathering peer feedback to refine them.
  • Sticker Test Print: We’ve received a test print of the freebie “Infected” sticker for physical backers, and it looks fantastic.
  • “In Case of Infection” Sheet: The draft text for this short guide is coming together nicely. We've decided to go the horror-comedy direction, and it’s full of dark humor and Company-speak.
  • Backer Surveys Coming Soon: We’re finalizing the finer details of survey setup to ensure everything is accurate and smooth. Surveys will be sent out in the near future, so keep an eye on your inbox!

Thank you, as always, for your support and enthusiasm. We can’t wait to bring everything together for you! If you have questions feel free to reach out to us by email at [email protected].

Until next time!

-Terry Herc




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3 days ago

Project Update: 📌 Mini-update #2 - Survey Reminder

Hi, everyone.

Surveys have been sent out and most have completed them. There are about 25% of Backers however that have not completed their surveys. Please take a moment to fill it out. I'm adding one extra week before I lock orders to finalize counts so if you're keen on picking up any add-ons or adjusting your Pledge, you'll need to fill the survey out before the 17th (you can still update your information after this date).

Not much to say otherwise at this time. I'll send out a real update when I have something interesting to share!






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Burning Light Press
4 days ago

Project Update: Pledge Manager Smoke Test

Hey Folks,

I hope everyone is kicking along well after a few weeks of festivities and new years celebrations. I know I feel tired and socialed out. And probably a kilo or two heavier let’s be honest.

Where We Are At?

Pledge Manager.
I’ve just sent out the Smoke Test for the pledge manager. This is a little behind schedule as I left it a dash to long to send off to the Backerkit team and had to wait till they were back from holidays. 

A Smoke Test is simply sending the survey out to 5% of each pledge level to check for any errors. Easier to fix with a few dozen people than a few hundred.

Once that’s come back all gold, I’ll send the survey out to everyone else.

Syndicate Wastrels.
At the moment I’m pouring through Stretch Goal creation and some re-designs on the main book. I’m quite hopeful for the end of the month for digital delivery. With that said, there is still art to finish and editing to go, so things could change.

Goodie Arrivals.
I’ve actually had some goodies arrive. The Early-Bird Magnet and Bookmark, as well as a test run of the Bounty Cards to see how they look. We’ve changed a few small things from what you see below, but in general it’s the same. In general, I think they all turned out awesome!

That’s it for now. Keep an eye on your emails for the Pledge Manager invite. If you have any issues, feel free to shoot me a message. Here or [email protected]

Next update will be in a few weeks once the digital files are ready.


- Dan.





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Just checking in to hopefully boost the notifications that we could all use an update. Thanks!





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Space Penguin Ink, LLC
6 days ago

Project Update: Happy New Year Update

Hello everyone, we hope your week is going well! We're just dropping a quick update on the following:

1. The BackerKit Pledge Manager is under review, so look for more info on that this week as we get ready to send out surveys.

2. The art and writing have been completed and are all installed in the layout file. Look for a preview version of the digital files some time in the next two weeks.

3. We're ordering a sample of the card deck next week so we will have some cool pictures to share with you all as to what the final product will look like.

Okay, thanks for reading, and cheers until next time!




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I understand there is some sort of Discord Server where everybody else is getting updates and information. I could not find anything in the Backerkit Campaign that suggested that is how we would get information. Can we get a bumped link or perhaps some cross pollination of information?





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Sorry, Mothership Month is a bit of a blur and I can't remember; Is the first 48-hrs patch the same as the patch included with the Limited Edition?





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Krakenhund Studios
9 days ago

Project Update: Happy new year 2025 from Golden Cut

🎉 Hello Everyone and Happy New Year 2025! 🎉

The holidays are over, and it’s time to jump back into action with some updates on what’s been happening during the Christmas break. I hope you all got a chance to rest, spend time with loved ones, and enjoy some RPG sessions or gifts! 😊

🚛 Vehicle Art 🚛
I’ve been hard at work finishing the vehicle illustrations. Only two (and half - you can see the unfinished mech down there :D ) pieces remain, and I’m on track to complete them by this weekend. After that, I’ll let the artwork sit for a week or two, then return for final polish - adding extra details, adjusting colors, and fixing any mistakes. Before that, I’ll go over the text again and give each vehicle Mothership stats. With that, this part of the Stretch Goal will be complete, and I’ll move on to layout of it.

📚 Text Editing 📚
The text is currently with MeatCastle Gameware for editing, and progress is going great as always with him (I had a pleasure to work with him in the past and he always delivered fast and great). Once it comes back, I’ll start integrating it into my layout template, bringing the zine to life.

🎨 Other Art 🎨
I’ve also commissioned additional color art pieces. These include new pieces from the cover artist and a other from different artist.

One draft I wanted to share with you is the view of Bonnacio Moon with the mercenary invasion fleet in orbit. This art will be used on a spread, providing information about Bonnacio’s location, gravity, atmosphere, and other planetary details.

Also, notice the planet in the background? That’s from another project I’ve been jotting down notes for - working title: “Gorilla Dragon Hunt”. 😁

And the asteroid belt surrounding the planet is the setting for three other ideas I’ve worked on in the past. My goofy work titles are: “Ice Station Tower Defense”, “Exploration of an Alien Morphing Ship”, “Military Corvette Skin-Imps Tomb”.

So, if you like in the future what I’ve done with Operation Golden Cut, there’s a whole sector of adventures waiting to be developed. Maybe we’ll make them a reality in the future! 😉

Cross-Collab Reward Poll 🤝
Shortly after this update, I’ll post a poll with three options for a bonus pamphlet. This is a reward for backers who also supported “Iron Hive”, my cross-collaboration partner during the campaign.

Here’s a quick overview of the options you’ll be voting from:

1️⃣ Wonders of the Void – A gritty space dock pub and lodging that doubles as a secret recruitment center for the mercenary company CLF - mercs in charge of an attack in Golden Cut.
2️⃣ Lost in Mines – A faction of street kids who’ve lost their parents to mining accidents, now surviving with retrofitted mining equipment. Some of the parents of the childs were took away by Lás Medulas to work on Bonnacio.
3️⃣ Porcelain Centipede Church – A dungeon featuring a sect worshipping a cosmic Goddess from behind the Black Hole, one of Her holy places are located in Golden Cut square-crawl.

I’ll provide more details in the poll update in the comments section. You’ll have two weeks to vote, and once the results are in, I’ll get started on creating the idea with most votes. Again, I have notes for all of them, so I dont expect too much hurdle in making the chosen one a reality.

Thank you again for all your support and trust! I’m excited to keep you updated as we move toward bringing this project to life. Stay tuned for more progress reports and updates!

- Major Krakenhund 🦑





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