What is Mothership Month?
Brace yourself for Mothership Month—a group-collab project led by Tuesday Knight Games featuring some of the brightest stars from the Mothership third-party publishing (3PP) community. Each 👩‍🚀 creator has launched a brand new adventure filled with criminals, smugglers, and rimspace pirates.

Mothership Month Supply Pods

🚀 Back 5+ projects at the physical level and gain access to the SUPPLY PODS.
Every five projects that fund, you get ANOTHER Supply Pod with more free goodies.

  • 🌟 Supply Pod 1 (Unlocked!): 1 pack of Mothership CHARACTER CARDS. Each pack contains 13 pre-made character cards ready for use as pre-gen characters or NPCs. Each pack comes with at least one FOIL card.
  • 🌟 Supply Pod 2 (Unlocked!): +1 pack of Mothership CHARACTER CARDS, 5 foil campaign project stickers.
  • 🌟 Supply Pod 3 (Unlocked!): +1 pack of Mothership CHARACTER CARDS, +5 foil campaign project stickers, and an exclusive Mothership Month 24 pin!
  • 🌟 Supply Pod 4 (Unlocked!): +1 pack of Mothership CHARACTER CARDS, +11 foil campaign project stickers, and Shadow of a Doubt a brand new "reverse murder mystery" pamphlet adventure by Ian Yusem (Hull Breach, The Drain).

All in: if you back 5+ projects you're getting 4 Character Card packs (an entire deck of cards), 21 foil project stickers, an exclusive Mothership Month 24 pin, and a brand new adventure pamphlet.

Are there more Supply Pods to come? We're looking into it now!

Streams, Interviews, and more!

All month long, we're diving into the void with daily streams, unsettling interviews, and exclusive, heart-pounding reveals. Whether you're a veteran spacer or new to the Mothership, join us in celebrating the universe’s bravest survivors…and those who didn’t make it back.

Thanks for joining us on our first ever Mothership Month! 👽

PSA: What about shipping?

While it would be amazing if we could bundle all the shipping together, currently with each project's different location, fulfillment timeline, and process it's not feasible for everything to be shipped together. It's a difficult logistical problem to solve and we've got some ideas for next year to help relieve shipping burdens. A few projects may ship together based on the publisher, see each project's page for details.

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👑 Top Cross-Collab Projects

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Burning Light Press
about 2 hours ago

Project Update: Print Production

Hey everyone,

Another super quick update to let you know the book and bounty cards are in print production now, and should hopefully be in my hands within the next 1-2 weeks. All things going smoothly, I'll be able to start shipping before the end of the month.

Thanks to some feedback from some lovely folks, a few small errors have been fixed up in the digital files, I'll be updating those when i set up the DTRPG files in the next week or so.

All in all, everything is going well and we're fairly on track. Hopefully the next update will be about your rewards being sent to the post office!

- Dan.




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Wicked Oni Publishing
2 days ago

Project Update: [0005] Early access PDF OUT NOW!!

One of the cool days is finally here! Safe to say I'm nervous :) but excited

Digital File Distribution has started!

The Early Access PDF has just been sent along with the Jade Market Floor Sheet (renamed from Sector sheet to avoid confusions with the actual sectors)

Be aware it's an early access PDF, which means that the layout, design and some of the content are not final! The content itself—the core of it—will not change, so the sectors will remain the same, The Iron Hive will remain a space station built from scraps on top of scraps. But the details, extras, and small little things might change.

In case you don't know how or where your digital downloads are, go -> here.

What's been going on after we could touch the money you amazing people gave to us?

Meetings, meetings and more meetings! 

  • Met with Andrés and Rodrigo (the comic crew) and Rodrigo is already writing the content for the comic (we came up with a really fun idea to mix the comic with the booklet and I can't wait to have it more fleshed out so it can be shared)
  • Met with Riki, she's all over the place with content, she'll be doing portraits for the criminal syndicates, background for some pages, improving the cover, the XY-90 Expedition patch, and maybe even more
  • Missing the meeting with Alex Rojas for the Ruzt Ratz Catalogue but we're gonna get that going ASAP as well

As for me, once the money hit, the ball started rolling again, the PDF suffered a massive overhaul in terms of design and will keep evolving, I did a whole course on layout and immediately put everything into practice, I'm waiting for the printing company to get back to me and see if we add 4 more pages, these I envision as section spreads, so it'd be a lot of form over function, but the form in my head looks really nice.

Extra fun little thing: learn about the...uh...modern day criminal organization that inspired the Wraiths!
If you get the reference on random search 97, ilysm <3 as well as the 30-39, hell, even 10-19, that whole table was me having a blast, just look at 00 vs 99, fun stuff
Includes Backer-Exclusive Content
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Burning Light Press
6 days ago

Project Update: Digital Rewards - Cards being Charged.

Hey folks!

Just a quick update.
I've been giving the tick of approval for the book from TKG, and so the digital files are ready for distribution!
This also means I'll be Charging Cards (sometime later today) and begin organizing the book prints.
You should hopefully be getting an email in the next 24 hours or so linking to your Digital Downloads.

Cheers everyone,
- Dan.




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Magnum Galaxy Games
10 days ago

Project Update: Incoming! Burning Gods Backer Survey's are coming in Hot!

Hello Burning Gods backers!

The time is nigh: the Backerkit survey's for all you Awaiting the Burning Gods backers is coming. I'm sending the Smoke test to 5% of you as soon as I publish this update. If that goes well (as it should) then I'll email the rest of the survey links Monday. Please complete your survey as quickly as possible since we need this information to fulfill your rewards.

Some Important Notes on Surveys from Backerkit
  • You do not need to create a BackerKit account to fill out your survey. When you receive the survey invite email, click the survey link to respond. Answer the questions about your reward preferences, provide shipping information, and purchase add-on items if you like. 
  • After you respond to your survey, you can go back later and change your responses at any time before we close the surveys and get our final counts.
  • If you need to review your information or pledge status, you can return to your survey by clicking the link in your survey email or requesting your survey link under "Lost your survey?" on our BackerKit project page at
  • If you used your Facebook credentials to log in to your crowdfunding account, the BackerKit survey is sent to the email address associated with your Facebook account. If you have another email address that you prefer to use, please contact support at
  • After surveys are sent, if you did not receive the email, and you Signed in with Apple ID, your email address might be a private relay email address. We can help locate your survey and update your email address, please message us or post a comment with your Backer ID or Pledge # found on your confirmation.

What About Shipping Fees?
Since shipping fees fluctuate, we will enter fees and charge for shipping a month or two before fulfillment commences. I'll post an update with a heads up before Backerkit charges your cards to make sure everyone is kept in the loop. In the meantime, I've been working to secure reliable and affordable shipping to as many points on the globe as possible and I have to say I am happy with results so far. 

That's all for now, see you on the other side of Surveys! 



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S. Murphy
9 days ago

Project Update: Pre-Proof Daedalus Station PDF Now Avaliable!

Hello everyone!

Good news! I've managed to bang out the fixed up pdf for Daedalus Station and it should be available to you now. The process ended up taking a few hours but it turned out well enough in the end. 

Also hitting your inbox is the first version of Octopus Ink Games' Hit the Ground Running, a stretch goal pamphlet adventure set on Daedalus Station and the dusty planet it orbits. We're gonna try and touch up the layout and iron out the wording for this one but it's totally playable and good to go.

Our next step is to get Daedalus proofed. That job is in the hands of Meatcastle Gameware, an excellent, highly reliable editor I've worked with in the past. Current estimate is that it'll take ~2 weeks but I'll let you all know if anything changes.

S. Murphy
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Lone Archivist
10 days ago

Project Update: PK49 - January Update

Hello, Backers!

I haven't had the opportunity to thank all of you for your support in making this project come to life! I've been thinking about this project on and off for the last couple years so I'm excited to take this time to refine it and turn it into a reality. 

For this month's update I'm going to keep it brief. Ran into some personal issues in January that kept me from updating as soon as I would have liked so instead of addressing everything in one update I'm going to address a couple of things here and then I'll go into progress on the project and how it relates to the timeline in our next update.

Reward Tiers

We had a great question in the comments asking about the Physical+ Tier and the Additional Art that was unlocked under Achievements. I can share that the Additional Art will be available to all tiers. Everyone will benefit from the fact that we got this unlocked. For example, here's a look at some more art from our character illustrator, Mykell Pledger.
As to the Physical+ tier, I'm still working out the specifics so I'll share more on that in the next update. I'm considering unlocking one of the Achievement tiers early to honor that Pledge Tier but, like I said, more on that in the next update.

NPC Art from Mykell Pledger

That's it for now and thank you all again for your support!

– Lone Archivist




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Terry Herc
11 days ago

Project Update: Surveys Released!

Fellow explorers!

Great news! Our survey smoke test went without issue, and today we have released surveys for all backers. Please check your email for your survey link and complete your survey promptly. This step is essential to ensure we have all the information needed to deliver your rewards.
For backers with physical rewards, due to fluctuations in global shipping costs, final costs for shipping are not yet available. We will be collecting shipping amounts closer to our physical fulfilment dates. We will use campaign updates like this one to let you know we will begin charging for shipping.

And for everyone, don’t forget to browse the add-ons section while completing your survey! We’ve got lots of great products including Mothership items, system neutral sci-fi and fantasy tools, and even a Mörk Borg adventure. There’s something for everyone! Don’t miss the chance to upgrade your pledge with items that will make your games truly unforgettable!

If you have any questions or run into any issues, you can get assistance directly from BackerKit for common concerns. You can also contact us directly at [email protected]. Thanks again for your support!

Until next time!

-Terry Herc




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And Tomorrow Games
11 days ago

Project Update: Surveys Out!

Hello again Backerkit brigade,

I know at some point in the dark and distant past (yesterday) I said surveys would be out on Monday, but the response to the Smoke Test was so swift, smooth and flawless that I thought I'd just bonk out the rest out today.

Check your inboxes. Enjoy ticking those boxes and adding to those carts and have a great weekend when it comes:) 




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S. Murphy
14 days ago

Project Update: January Update

Hey there everyone,

Hope you're all keeping well and the new year is treating you okay.

Unfortunately we've hit a small setback with the project. Over the last month I've repeatedly tried to get into contact with the layout artist but haven't been able to get through to them to get the unproofed pdfs. I'm not sure what's going on, there are any number of reasonable personal reasons why this has been the case, but it's meant that the pdfs haven't been able to go out for proofing.

I do have a back up plan to make sure the project goes on though. I've managed to import the last working pdf I was sent into my layout program and tracked down the fonts that were used. Doing this has screwed up all of the line weights and leading so I'll need to manually go through and fix the whole document before it can be sent off for proofing. I expect this process to take around several hours so it'll be a pain in the ass but doable.

Sorry about the bad news! It sucks that something like this has come up just after funding but I'll make sure this get backs on track and that you all have the book in your hands soon. In some better news, Teuthida from Octopus Ink Games has finished up the first draft of the stretch goal adventure Hit the Ground Running and I've taken a swing a blocking out the layout for it. We should be able to get an early version of it into your hands (well, files technically) by the time I sort out fixing the Daedalus PDF (shooting for late next week).

Will keep you all updated with any news when I get it. I'm shooting for an update each month at the very least until this book is out the door.

All the best,
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And Tomorrow Games
12 days ago

Project Update: Smoke Test!

Hello hello,

Just a quick message to say that Smoke Test surveys have gone out to 5% of backers.

If there's no problems with these surveys, I'll likely be following up with everyone else's surveys on Monday next week (sending out surveys over the weekend is a no-no in the crowdfunding world, appaz).

In the surveys you'll be able to upgrade your pledge and add on a few things to your order should you wish. I'll be looking to get all orders locked in by sometime in March, printing and digital fulfilment in April, shipping May.

We'll be charging shipping and taxes separately, nearer the time that we post out the goods. Fingers crossed for my US pals that there's not some sci-fi zine hell-tariff in place by then.





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