We won't spoil too much of the article so please head over to Ryan Costello's Essential Builds blog to read all about Vegeta (and learn a little more about Carlos while you're at it!).
And as a bonus I've also snagged a few of my other favorite Essential Builds that you might want to peruse and think about building into your own Night Vale game :)
Vegeta Essential Builds Blog
Deadpool Essential Builds Blog
Sailor Mercury Essential Builds Blog
Barbie Essential Builds Blog
Previously backed this creator's crowdfunding project
This user contributed to this community!
Will you tell us a bit more about shipping costs? Especially to EU. Asking for a friend ;)
Having read the quickstart, I can see what makes this game about sad vampires, but I can't see what makes it about sad, gay vampires. Does the full game touch more on themes of sexuality and queerness than the quickstart does?
This user is a top contributor to this community!
I assumed that some of us come from different time periods, I mean, we all don't come from the same time, time is weird, right now Cecil is talking about Josefina, what is Cecil talking about when you are?
Is there a planned timeline for digital/physical rewards?
Hi! I would love to purchase the adventure envelopes as a digital addon to my physical core book. Do you have any plans to make this possible with a digital add-on?
This user contributed to this community!
I was born in ‘75 so the 90s teen experience, while a long time ago, is super relevant. For me one of the biggest things was the transition from walkmans to discmans. I remember arguing over whether CDs were really going to replace cassettes. Also wrestling! At the start of the decade Hulk Hogan lost to the Ultimate Warrior at Wrestlemania 6 and wrestling was pretty kid friendly and cartoony. By 99 it was Stone Cold vs the Rock and the “edgy” attitude era. What are other peoples references? What would you want to include in a game to make it truly 90s?
I’m giving this a try after a couple of asks. I’m new at this, so bear with me!