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I just finished listening to Stefan's interview on Nerd's RPG Variety Cast podcast and it increased my excitement for this project! Great job Stefan! https://open.spotify.com/episode/2wdAG8ucGF4dak7ovT1kiE?si=73nislNZQ1-lGcBwySh-Pg&nd=1&dlsi=5843cf2612424a30
We're posting this mini-update in the comments to let you now that there are more wonderful rewards from this campaign that are available to redeem now. The rewards of which we speak are: A Guest for Mr. Spider; A Guest for Mr. Spider, Autographed; Character Portfolios in PDF; and Character Portfolios in print.
For clarity, let's look at a full list of this campaign's rewards and add-ons and their statuses.
Here’s a full list of all the rewards we’ve fulfilled so far, including those we’ve just announced today:
A Guest for Mr. Spider
A Guest for Mr. Spider, Autographed
Character Portfolios (set of 5) in print
Character Portfolios in PDF
GM Intrusion Deck in print
GM Intrusion Deck in PDF
Leitner Bookplates (set of 12)
NPC Deck in print
NPC Deck in PDF
The Magnus Archives Roleplaying Game in print
The Magnus Archives Roleplaying Game in PDF
The Magnus Archives Roleplaying Game Player's Guide in print
The Magnus Archives Roleplaying Game Player's Guide in PDF
The Weird in print
The Weird in PDF
Your Best Game Ever in print
Your Best Game Ever in PDF
Clicking on this link will take you to the MCG Shop, where your rewards will have been added automagically to your cart.
These rewards/add-ons are in production:
Audio Assets
Campaign Journal in PDF
Campaign Journal in print
Premium Dice Set
Prop Set in PDF
Prop Set in print
The Magnus Archives Roleplaying Game Limited Deluxe Edition in print
The Magnus Archives Roleplaying Game Limited Deluxe Edition, Autographed
The Magnus Institute File Folders (set of 12)
The Magnus Institute Training Cassette
XP Deck in PDF
XP Deck in print
Reminders about reward fulfillment:
- We fulfill rewards as they become available. If you don’t see a reward you’re entitled to among your coupons, please check your email and the campaign’s recent updates to make sure we’ve fulfilled it. If we haven’t fulfilled it yet, don’t worry—it’s coming!
- We guarantee that your crowdfunding reward will be available for you to redeem for up to a year beyond its release date. (This means you can wait a bit to redeem your reward, if you’d like to combine rewards for cheaper shipping, are changing address soon, or similar reasons.)
- Coupons expire one year after the reward’s release date. If you need to redeem an expired coupon, please tell us about it through our Contact Us page so we can help you.
- We kindly ask that if you have questions about our fulfillment process, you give this helpful guide a quick read before reaching out to Jennifer, our wonderful customer service guru. Though she is magical, she is also only one human, so any self-help you can do before reaching out is greatly appreciated.
Warm regards,
Team MCG
Previously backed this creator's crowdfunding project
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Au milieu des joncs et des courants
Elle dessine les contours d'une carte
Parmi les ombres d'un nuage blanc
Au bout du fleuve, posée sur un grand lac
La grande cité d'or aux portes closes l'attend
Tout sera d'or : la fraîche lueur du matin
L'eau immobile et la neige des cimes
Les hautes coupoles, les plumes des cygnes
Jusqu'à la voile de son bateau pèlerin
D'or les verrous qui cèderont à son approche
D'or la lumière qui jaillira derrière le porche !
Extrait d'un poème ancien, par Mabon de Mean Ruz
Previously backed this creator's crowdfunding project
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Il reste un peu plus d'une semaine avant la fin de la campagne et le troisième palier est presque atteint ! Merci à vous d'emmener Chrysopée toujours plus loin !
Si vous êtes curieuses/curieux de la genèse du jeu, Radio Roliste m'a fait le plaisir de m'inviter sur ses ondes. 1h30 où l'on revient sur cette belle aventure, sur celles et ceux sans qui il n'existerait pas et on digresse un peu sur du game design et des projets pour la suite.
(N'hésitez pas à vous perdre dans les nombreuses émissions de ce podcast, c'est de la qualité !)
A très bientôt pour le troisième palier, j'espère !
Previously backed this creator's crowdfunding project
This user contributed to this community!
Avec quelle émotion je pose ces quelques lignes sur le chemin qui grimpe vers la frontière d'argent !
Le convoi qui y monte avec moi est aussi joyeux et bigarré que je pouvais l'imaginer.
Bientôt nous atteindrons le col qui ouvre sur les régions aérées. Et chaque pas nous rapproche toujours d'avantage de Chrysopée. J'ai tellement hâte de sentir le vent dans mes vêtements et de monter dans une de ces caravelles aux ailes blanches !
Je ne peux pas vous nommer tous mes nouveaux amis mais vous seriez enchanté par nos conversations. Ah, votre voix me manque mais rassurez vous, je vous écrirai bientôt à nouveau. En attendant je glisse dans ma lettres les premières brises du matin.
Portez vous bien !
Ps : le voyage continue chers amis et bienvenue à celles et ceux qui nous rejoignent !
Hello! I have two questions about the lifetime memberships: 1) Will the lifetime memberships be available for purchase on the TTM's website later down the road or are they campaign exclusives? 2) If I get a Traveler lifetime membership but two years later, I find I have a need for Adventurer, Hero, or World Builder will I be able to upgrade the lifetime membership to one of those or how will that work?
We'll be getting a holding page live on Monday (spoiler it will say coming soon :) ) but rest assured it is not broken!
We are on track to have the digital adventures & content out to you by the end of the month, as this is a calendar we prioritised getting the physical rewards out to you in good time!
Huge thanks to those who flagged it up to me :)
I LOVE maps and have so many of them that I have hand-drawn over the years ready to go in my gaming area once it's finished, but now they have come competition... Love these and can't wait to delve into Chaldea even further!
Let us know about the Treasure you wish to find, and the places you wish to visit during your first OGA session!