Unlock a new playable dinosaur of your choice to the game!
Goal: $70,838
/ $75,000
We need $4,162 more to reach this goal.
Unlock a new Co-Op Mode for Lava Run to play on a team!
Goal: 600 backers reached! — We did it! This project reached this goal!
Unlock 2 new playable event tiles to the game!
Goal: $50,000 reached! — We did it! This project reached this goal!
Unlock a new playable dino piece to the game! Including a new crochet pattern too!
Goal: $30,000 reached! — We did it! This project reached this goal!
If Lava Run is fully funded we unlock 6 new Dino Specific tile expansions to make each character have an optional exclusive ability!
Goal: $15,000 reached! — We did it! This project reached this goal!
On reaching the funding goal, the final two cards will be illustrated and more artwork shared. The artwork shown here is the rough for a small section of card 3.
Goal: £400 reached! — We did it! This project reached this goal!
Sketches, designs, and full artworks of all the cards in The Starry Knight Tarot Deck including all Elemental Booster Packs and Male Court Cards!
Goal: $3,640
/ $70,000
We need $66,360 more to reach this goal.
Goal: $3,640
/ $60,000
We need $56,360 more to reach this goal.
Four MORE handsome men as the King, Queen, Knight and Page of Swords!
Goal: $3,640
/ $55,000
We need $51,360 more to reach this goal.
Four MORE handsome men as the King, Queen, Knight and Page of Coins!
Goal: $3,640
/ $50,000
We need $46,360 more to reach this goal.