Hiya! Having a great time reading through the bigger preview. I'm curious why you chose to keep the consequences of too much stress so permanent. As written it sounds like you can choose a) death, b) permanent cutoff from transcendence, or c) permanently turning evil (and becoming an NPC) But all these things are fully reversible in the Magical Girl stories I like! I'd love to play my character as a villain for a short arc with the knowledge that she'll be redeemed, a Black Lady arc could be so much fun. But it's not accounted for unless I change the rule... the character who created Chibi-Usa wouldn't be allowed to play Black Lady, or to ever change back to normal. Shouldn't at least the lightest setting, Brink of the Abyss, allow for redemption arcs and resurrection? A story arc where you can't transform until you go through a spiritual journey, or your friends recover a sacred relic? Do you think this is something that would terribly affect play if ignored?





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