
This whole project has done very well. Really happy to have been a part of it! And I'm so glad to see the timeline actually stayed pretty on course after a few hangup towards the beginning. I saw "Haunted" was noted as the best seller when I placed my order a few days ago. If I had to guess, "Bold Flavor" could be the next one... I got three of them for me and some friends! I'd also like to restate my excitement for that Synthwave Slice. I only noticed after my order that you have a real flare for that '80s synth art. Good thing I subscribed to your newsletter to keep an eye on upcoming projects!!!!


Thanks! It's been such a fun one to push forward. Only real hangups being how long it took to decide and then draw the custom pins. I honestly wasn't sure anyone would choose that tier let alone TWO people! Best seller I think means "most chosen as an add-on" so the official result is still a mystery but that's a good indicator ;) Thank you so much for the support and excitement for Pizza Pinz and the 80s 😎