Magnetic Press
11 months ago

Project Update: Pledge Manager under construction... stand by...

Happy Friday, everyone!
Just a quick update to say "hi" and to assure you we're still here. 😉 

We have completed the pre-flight check on both books and slipcase with the printer, and physical proofing should begin shortly. We are also still getting the backend Pledge Manager setup so that we can send out the post-campaign order surveys, but we're waiting on a little technical guidance from Backerkit staff. Since their campaign platform is still in Beta development, there is still some wiring that needs to be done to connect their multiple systems so that data is passed properly between the two. We expect it to be ready by the end of next week (which is about the same turnaround time for using Backerkit Pledge Manager with a Kickstarter campaign, so no need to be alarmed).

We'll let you know as soon as that is ready -- in the meantime, have a great weekend!





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