
If you go to Twitter (yeah I know we all hate it and Elon Musk) you can go see the exchange I (@cenashittyrin) had with @BabyBestiary and @andreas_mwg about this. Doesn't fix anything but at least there's a paper thin explanation/pathetic excuse for you.


Yeah, I could never support again at this point. If there was communication at all, that would have been great, but in 5 months they never came back to check the backerkit?? People were leaving comments about not receiving the calendars since December!


Yeah, I have to admit that it was really disheartening to receive my calendar in the middle of May and realise how much less use I’m going to get for what I paid for… I don’t think it should be up to the customers to be constantly chasing up the seller - how were we supposed to know that we should have been hounding them since January like a parent? Plus the only compensation being a discount for next year - I don’t know yet if this problem will be solved by then because we’ve still received little communication about it, at least from what I’ve seen. I want to continue to support but I’m rightfully a bit wary and feeling a bit down about it.