Chris-Goodman Games
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30 days ago

Project Update: January Update

Greetings Backers!

We are back from the holidays with all sorts of updates on this project.

Before we get to those details, please check out our current crowdfunding campaign: Terror from the UnderDeep: A Giant Box of 5E Adventure! All backers that pledge during the first 48 hours get a free d24 and a 2-Page UnderDelve! As of this post, you have about 4 hours left to snag these free items!

In a previous update we shared with you the cover for DCC #111: The Grave Robbers of Thracia. Well here is the cover for FEF #29: The Alabaster Tower of Thracia with cover art by David Griffith.

The Cover for FEF #29 The Alabaster Tower of Thracia

The Pledge Manager Smoke Test is complete. The Smoke Test is when we open the Pledge Manager to 5% of the backers to ensure its all functioning properly. Thank you to all the backers that alerted us to issues. They have all been addressed. And with that, we opened the Pledge Manager for the rest of the backers last night!

Did you know that you can buy original art during in the Pledge Manager? That's right, we will have a limited number of original art pieces, most of which appear in The Caverns of Thracia books! Since they are limited (as in "one-of-a-kind"), these are first come first serve, so don't delay getting that PM filled out!

Here are a few sample images of Brad's amazing art available for sale:
Lizardfolk with club and shield

Skeletal Attack!

Also available in the Pledge Manager will be two Exclusive DCC adventure variants. Both of these Limited Edition covers are only being offered during this campaign, and will not be available in stores. DCC fans do not want to miss out on these for your collection. Check them out:

Vintage Cover: Jewels of the Carnifex by Harley Stroh

Vintage Cover: Intrigue at the Court of Chaos by Michael Curtis

And maybe we saved the best news for last? If you made it this far down: Thank you! We have received hard copy proofs from the printer. This is one of the last steps before the books start the long journey to the backers. These are considered "F&G" proofs which stands for "Folded and Gathered", which is why the 5E Stretch Goal Book pictured below looks "loose".

Here are the samples for the Slipcase and the 5E Stretch Goal Book.

Printer Proof of the Slipcase

"F&G" Printer Proof of the 5E Stretch Goal Book

Whew, what an update! If you have any questions, please drop us a comment! We read them all!
user avatar image for Judge Jon (GMG)




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