Goodman Games
23 days ago

Project Update: Fulfillment Update Jan 23: 532 Pledges Shipped

Greetings, denizens of the Purple Planet!

We're happy to report that the boxes are flying out the door!

As of right now, 532 USA pledges have shipped and corresponding tracking numbers have been uploaded.

Tracking shows that many of these packages have already landed. Let us know when yours arrives - and let us know what you think! I especially like Wonders of the Weirdling Sun and the stretch goal pack - as far as "free stretch goals for backers" go, I think these turned out very well. 

And for those of you receiving boxes with pledges from multiple publishers inside - how did it go? Any feedback on being part of this historic first in crowdfunding fulfillment?

The bulk shipments to international partners are en route, as previously noted. We'll provide more info as they land.

More shipping and more tracking numbers coming soon!

News Flash: Stretch Goal Reveal on Terror From The UnderDeep

Terror From The UnderDeep is live now, and crushing stretch goals faster than we can keep up. This huge box of 5E adventure features all six core giant types plus a classic delve into the UnderDeep. It has a very "DCC feel" to it - if you like weird fiction and strange underdark exploration, this is for you.

Let's just show off a couple pieces of cover art from the interior booklets. If that brain-case kraken overlord inside a ziggurat prison doesn't move you to tears, I don't know what will!

Check out the project now - even if you're not a 5E player, I am sure you will find inspiration for your DCC games here.

Stefan Poag's amazing cover art for the final encounter in Terror From The UnderDeep

William McAusland's cover art for the UnderDeep Delves book of adventures

Doug Kovacs' painting of the dracolich battling kuo-toa. Monster-on-monster battles? Only in Terror From The UnderDeep!

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