Krakenhund Studios
17 days ago

Project Update: January Mission Update

Hello everyone,
A small update so you know where we're at. :)

Editing of the Main Manuscript
I received and fully reviewed the first pass of my manuscript, and MeatCastle did one hell of a job!
I really like what he changed and suggested, and now I’m finishing it based on his feedback. This will be done pretty soon, and then I can move on to layout and other work.

Layout Test
Speaking of layout, here are some examples of how it's probably going to look. I’m still tweaking things here and there, but the main visuals are in place. If you're a backer, you can download the example below in the update. Let me know what you think! I’m eager for your input so I can make it the best for you all.

More Art
Kvacm has finished the sector overview art I showed you last time. He’s now working on another piece, and two more artists—Zach Hazard Vaupen and Jod the Cod—are also working on commissions. I’m so stoked to have them on board! :)

Cross-Collab Pamphlet
The poll ended in a tie between "Dungeon" and "Location," so I needed another way to decide. Since I didn’t want to leave it to a coin toss, I chose "Location" because it was mentioned in the comments—meaning more engagement. So, I’m starting to work on it now.

More Mothership Projects Incoming!
That’s all for now! Any questions? See you next month!
Feel free to reach me in the comments or via email—I’ll gladly answer any questions. :)

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