I've been hard at work getting everything finalized for production and I SEVERELY underestimated how much time it would take to get the pins ready to go (no regrets, but 40-odd pin designs is a lot to juggleπ ). Almost all of the artwork required some simplification around the belly badges, and line work tweaks to remove any itty bitty spots that would be impossible to fill + bring everything up to a level of consistency I was satisfied with.
The good news is all of the most crucial fiddling is finished now. All artwork is finalized, including Charmsey's collaboration pieces so its full steam ahead on all pins and apparel, hooray! Physical sweater samples should be ready to share within the next 1-2 weeks.
Despite the extra time needed to get the pins ready to go, we're still within the tolerances I gave myself on the timeline and I'm feeling great! Plush prototypes are still receiving their final tweaks-- I was hoping they would be done this week but things are never quite that easy so we're still waiting on what (I hope) will be the last round of edits.
This means that the preorder store will likely be open a little longer than previously stated. At this point I'm expecting a mid-July closure for the store and for surveys.
As soon as I have a concrete date I will be sure to update everyone through every channel possible.
Now for some plushie photos! Dragon Fruit Bat is complete and so heckin cute!!
At this point all we're waiting on is,
embroidery color tweaks on Rosy Maple Mothman
embroidery color tweaks on Twinkle Star Bat
paler yellows for Thornheart Wolpertinger
revamped flower style for Cherry Blossom Wolpertinger
So we're very, very close!
I believe that covers all of the most exciting developments over the past couple weeks. I continue to talk with my fulfillment team in preparation for Series 2 and Pintopia, making sure all of our SKUs will be compatible with their system (and changing them where necessary), preparing barcodes, developing all of our packaging material and so on. Not a day goes by where we aren't exchanging emails and while its a lot of work, its also very exciting!
Thank you all for your continued patience while I have my nose to the grindstone tying up all these loose ends π Looking forward to bringing you fellas a big plush update next week (again, fingers crossed!) and in the meantime I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
(And if you need something to keep you busy while you wait, check out these bases you can download and color for free over on my ko-fi! Each one comes with both a layered .PSD and a black and white version for printing, https://ko-fi.com/mcmadmissile/shop