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MythCraft TTRPG Enhanced: New Loot, Reprint, and VTT Support!

MythCraft TTRPG Enhanced: New Loot, Reprint, and VTT Support!

MythCraft TTRPG Returns: Forge Your Myth, Embark on New Sagas, and Create Epic Adventures in the Ultimate Tabletop Experience!
$139,903 πŸŽ‰
of $30,000
Project Ended
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Built on the familiar but reimagined d20 systems you know and love, this expansive, fully realized TTRPG brings together modern systems, unmatched customization, and seamless gameplay to create a game that’s as engaging as it is innovative.

Are you ready to level up your TTRPG adventures? MythCraft offers: 
✨The perfect balance between crunchy mechanics for strategists and intuitive gameplay for smooth storytelling. 
✨Modernized, streamlined rules that eliminate clunky rules while preserving depth and tactical options. 
✨A system that's easy to learn, robust in options, and built for endless customizationβ€”perfect for both newcomers and seasoned players. 


Not Just A Reprint!

This campaign has pledge levels for everyone: Returning Backers, Super Fans, and brand new MythCraft-Curious tabletop gamers! The Adventure Zines are a brand new way to pick up and play MythCraft and teach new players the basics. The VTT (Virtual Table Top) development will bring a robust and comprehensive way to play MythCraft online with a searchable compendium, drag-and-drop support, easy-to-use character sheets, and more! Enjoy amazing new dice, Nathan Heard's first MythCraft novella, swag, and more! 

Why back this project? 

  • Tons of New Loot: We have a treasure trove of new physical and digital goodies you can use to upgrade your MythCraft game!
  • Lowest price: Backing this project will net you an average savings of 47%
  • Virtual Tabletop Support: Help develop our community's most requested feature.
  • Digital Freebies: Back this campaign for a hoard of digital freebies! Dice, Borders, and Digital Content!
  • Fast Delivery: Many digital items will be delivered within weeks of the campaign close, and the physical items are not far behind. You can start playing MythCraft as soon as the bell rings. View the timeline section for details! 

MythCraft is a robust & intuitive, fully original tabletop roleplaying game built for epic campaigns. With unrivaled character creation options, intuitive magic, a true Action Point system, a holistic "Backgrounds, Occupations, and Professions" system, and familiar but reimaged d20 mechanics, MythCraft has everything you need to build a truly epic saga.

MythCraft offers a perfect blend of intuitive gameplay and character customization. You choose a new talent every time you level up, ensuring that you never experience a "dead level." Your progression down a variety of talent trees will ensure that no two character builds are the same, even if they share the same lineage and class!

As robust as the character creation system is, gameplay is still fast and intuitive. On your turn, you spend your Action Points to move, make attacks, and use abilities. You save any remaining AP for Reactive Actions, and can even roll over AP to your next turn, allowing you to best respond to the situation at hand!

MythCraft Enhanced brings you three brand-new Adventures! These will be available as printed zines, PDFs, and VTT Modules and feature 1-4 gameplay sessions. They are the perfect pick-up-and-play solution for the busy GM and for folks wanting to learn or teach the game. Explore the skies with the Ghibli-inspired "Beyond the Clouds," survive the eldritch terrors of "Mountains of Madness", or confront mysterious forces of your magical school in "The Haunting of Vel Academy."

Enhance your in-person gaming experience with these five double-sided battle maps! With five generic environments and five maps connected to the adventure scenarios, each of these carefully crafted maps offers you a variety of unique battle locations to keep your heroes on their toes.

Get your own avadrium with this brand-new custom dice set and bag. The green alloy of avadrium is especially notable among adventurers for enhancing your weapon attacks! Gear up with these gorgeous Sharp Edge Sparkle Resin avadrium dice and head back out on quests to slay your monsters.

Dive deeper into the world of Ancerra with four fantasy fiction stories penned by Lead Game Designer Nathan Heard! In this anthology, three short stories and a novella each showcase a different area of the official MythCraft setting, following a variety of protagonists on their personal quests.

Jump into a game immediately with any of the ten prebuilt characters in this volume of Legends of MythCraft! From the cunning charlatan Willoughby Cobblesnot to the rugged frontierswoman Roxanne Oakhart to the iron-skinned zealot Galahad, each character has a robust backstory and a full mechanical build from level 1 to 30. Play the character exactly as written, or use it as a springboard for designing a new hero of your own.

Our first-ever run of MythCraft swag! Now you can show off your MythCraft passion with style. These limited-edition tees will be crafted from premium tri-blend fabric for ultimate comfort and style. There is a wide range of sizes available, and you will select your fit in the survey after the campaign.  

We've partnered with dddice to create 18 Digital MythCraft Dice Sets: 3D digital dice you can roll anywhere.

Roll, collect, and create 3D digital dice across any of your favorite platforms, including Roll20, Foundry VTT, D&D Beyond, Twitch, or any mobile and desktop device. There are no restrictions or platform lock-in.

This easy-to-install extension will bring your digital collection of MythCraft dice right into your favorite VTT. 

Digital Borders
Show up in STYLE! Create your own custom tokens with these incredible class and source borders, each corresponding with a digital dice set!


We're raising funds to fulfill our community's most requested feature: Virtual Table Top support. At our base level of funding, we're bringing the Core Rulebook Compendium, Creature Compendium Expansion, MythCrafter's Guide Expansion, and the Cloven Lands campaign module to Roll20 and Foundry!

Back now to enjoy:

Smooth Gameplay - Easy to use character sheets with calculations
Quick Character Creation - Charactermancer for step by step guidance on creating a character
Rich Features - Drag & Drop support and a searchable compendium
Expansive Compendium
- Thousands of talents, spells, features, abilities, and more
Ongoing Development - Hundreds of hours of content planned across ten expansions and modules! 

Don't let the rules or tools get in the way of your game! 

Visual Example only - Not a final appearance

Our Core Rulebook is better than ever, with a fresh reprint containing scores of clarifications, improvements, and errata, brand new cover art, and gorgeous new illustrations! Having undergone thousands of hours of rigorous playtesting, the Core Rulebook now includes updated rulings, clarified text, and additional features like a terms appendix and a revitalized "how to play" section. The Core Rulebook is better equipped than it has ever been to launch your party on epic adventures.

The reprinted Core Rulebook includes scores of breathtaking new art pieces, including new art for every class, every source of magic, and even every profession! Get inspired by these masterful artworks and let your mind run wild with the characters you could create.



MythCraft is an original tabletop roleplaying game with unrivaled character creation options, intuitive magic, a true Action Point system, a full "Backgrounds, Occupations, and Professions" system, and familiar but reimagined d20 mechanics. Build characters like never before with tens of thousands of unique builds.

MythCraft features 18 Lineages, 13 Classes, 5 Sources of Magic and 340 spells, 17 Professions, and over 2,000 Talents, just in the base game!

D&D Players who are ready for a more expansive experience will enjoy our robust Talent Trees, Action Point combat, and ways to advance your character beyond just combat!
PF and 3.5 Players who want to bring their friends and new players into a game will enjoy intuitive gameplay and mechanics that are easy to learn without sacrificing options or complexity! 

Every Level Matters

Character progression in MythCraft is exciting and intuitive. No weird, arbitrary math or spreadsheets are needed! Beyond gaining power at every level, you also gain a new Lineage Feature every 5 levels from your chosen lineage.

Talent Points

MythCraft features 2000+ talents. Each level, you gain 1 Talent Point that can be spent on any Talent you meet the prerequisites for. These are split into 13 Class Stacks, 58 Subclass Tracks, 5 Magic Source, and Specialization Talent groupings.

Following a Subclass Track gives you access to Capstone talents, which are especially powerful ways to define your character.

Backgrounds, Occupations, and Professions

While you are an adventurer, there is much more to your life than just battling beasts, hoarding treasure, and going on quests. MythCraft features a robust Backgrounds, Occupations, and Professions (BOP) system that provides ways to advance your character beyond just combat abilities.

MythCraft has 17 Professions that rank up, and grant new abilities as your character progresses. Become the governor of your own settlement, a renowned entrepreneur, or the admiral of your own fleet of ships!

Action Point System

At the start of each of your turns, you gain a set amount of AP, which can be increased as you level up by investing in the Coordination attribute. You can spend AP to move, attack, cast spells, and perform other actions - or you can save AP to spend reactively on other creatures' turns! Unspent AP can roll over to your next turn, allowing for strategic setups, dynamic combat, and incredible feats of teamwork!

Five Sources of Magic

In MythCraft, casters and mythical monsters can draw from one of five distinct sources of magic: Arcane, Divine, Occult, Primal, and Psionic - each with their own mechanics and spell lists. As powerful mages, cultists, and oracles throughout Ancerra conflict, it gradually becomes evident that each of the sources of magic are stronger than some, and weaker than others, in a grand cosmic balance.

Each spellcaster will have a certain number of Spell Points they can expend to cast spells and gain more spell points as they take levels in a magical class. Spell Points can interact with Action Points in exciting ways, such as conjuring powerful spells that might take multiple turns or making tactical decisions like charging up a spell and going nova! 

Death Points
When you reach 0 HP - you're not out of the fight, even though you are dying. Characters have 8 Death Points that they accrue from taking damage whilst at 0 HP. At 8 Death Points, your character dies. This allows for much more epic moments and plays more into strategy than just playing whack-a-mole with healing or stabilization mechanics.


New to MythCraft or want to quickly teach someone how to play? Download this demo to quickly get into the action! The demo contains four prebuilt level 2 characters and a combat encounter. This is the fastest, easiest way to learn how to play MythCraft!

Click here to Download the free MythCraft demo

The best way to stay in the loop, learn more, and get the most out of MythCraft TTRPG is to join our Discord. You will enjoy a growing and heavily engaged community and direct access to the creators and mods of MythCraft.

Click here to Join the MythCraft Discord

If you have any questions, comments, concerns, spells or hexes please email us at [email protected] or talk to the team directly by Joining the Discord!
Digital Delivery will occur per item as items are completed
All orders are estimated to be in fulfillment by ~Q3 or Q4 of 2025.

Estimated Timelines
  • MythCraft Core Rulebook, Creature Compendium, MythCrafter's Guide, Legends of MythCraft Volume I, Quickstart Guide PDF, Harker's Guide to Vampire Hunting, Soliloquy of Annihilation, and Daughter of the Shadows are complete and will be delivered immediately following the end of the campaign and the backerkit survey.
  • The Cloven Lands is fully written and in playtesting. The 1.0 PDF should be available by Q3 2025
  • Legends of MythCraft Vol II, Adventure Zines, and Bria's Mythical Menagerie should be available by Q4 2025

Physical Products
  • The Core Rulebook and all other physical products, barring the Zines, will go into production in February 2025, immediately following the campaign's close. We estimate 30-45 days of production and 30-45 days of shipping before fulfillment can begin. We are looking into options to ship the Zines separately as well to expedite the receipt of physical goods.
  • Adventure Zines will go into production in Q4 2025 with fulfillment estimated to begin by the end of 2025 

VTT Compendiums, Expansions, & Modules
  • We have been approved as Roll20, DriveThruRPG, and Foundry VTT Partners! The Core system Roll20 VTT Module development will begin Q1 2025
  • The compendium expansions, Cloven Lands campaign module, and Foundry VTT Core module are estimated to be fully delivered between Q4 2025 and Q1 of 2026. 

Please note these are preliminary estimates and are subject to change. Particularly the VTT Development is impossible to project

QuasiReal Publishing is Andi Hadfield, Nathan Heard, Grant Mielke, and Jake Neece

Thanks to,

Artists: John Bilodeau, Jibril Sy, Racky, Anton Prusov, Elena Bonamoneta, Lordigan, Kamyu, Yanis
Partner Creators: Wintry D&D, Torchlit Tavern, Playtest 'til it Breaks, Tales of Yvard, The Shifting Realms, MZERO Games, Robodad1, Roll Around and Find Out, Shelly von Miller
Community Manager: Roger Perkey
Vala Marketing: Tony Zacarias, Gretchen Boley, Cori-Miller Nye, & Rachel Perkins
Dave Buker (Editing) and Tyrell Nye (Voice Over)
Shipping: Heidi Mielke, Sam Miller
Copy Editing: Timothy J. Fezatte
Special Thanks to MythCraft the Podcast, The Homebrew Network, dddice, Our Patrons, Discord Street Team, previous backers, and friends, family & loved ones who support our dream-chasing! 

& Huge thanks to everyone at Backerkit!

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