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Into the Dark

Into the Dark

This is a 0-level funnel for DCC RPG—featuring an introduction to DCC spell casting and rules for illumination. An aid (Illumination pad) for tracking light and providing quick reference rules can be added.
$6,479 🎉
of $1,000

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What is "Into the Dark?"

INTO THE DARK is an original 16-page, 0-level funnel adventure created for Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG created by STUDIO 9 GAMES. The adventure is available in a PDF or PRINT edition.

What makes INTO THE DARK amazing?
  • Players will get an orientation to the wild world of magic unique to Dungeon Crawl Classics at the ripe young age of level 0
  • Exciting play mechanics around exploring with a light source, and the pressure of time as it burns down—plunging the characters into the dark...
  • A strange location initially seemingly mundane quickly turns from mysterious to ultimately deadly, yet potentially rewarding to those clever and lucky.
A truly unique 16-page DCC RPG 0-level adventure

The Adventure Starts:

When Earl Wistmor of the purple plains puts out a call to service, locals know better than to withhold. You and other peasants are tasked to excavate a new foundation—expanding his keep into a small castle. Work on the project is moving along when suddenly the earth sinks in and foul vapors rise up, revealing forgotten chambers below ground. You have three hours to clear it out before the foreman pours slag into the hole, sealing you in! Torch in hand you descend into what seems like an ancient root cellar . . . but turns out to be much more.

"...the earth sinks in and foul vapors rise up..."

You must go into the dark to discover what ancient treasures, and nightmares, are hidden within!

This product is compatible with the
Dungeon Crawl Classics Role Playing Game.

" descend into what seems like an ancient root cellar . . . but turns out to be much more..."

Background—The Lost Prison of the Five (SPOILER ALERT: Gaze at your own risk, oh ye players!)

Ages ago a coven of five wizards captured, tortured, and taunted creatures, demons, and devils of the dark to gain untold arcane power. These discoveries were preserved in jars of living magic. The lab and its jailers faded in time, but the horrors they captured seethed in rage—awaiting an opportunity to escape. Now, a chance excavation has revealed the Lost Prison of the Five, and the secrets stored within.

The Lost Prison of the Five

Peasant Magic

INTO THE DARK is a unique DCC RPG 0-level funnel because it offers a learning laboratory into magic use in the DCC RPG world. From the very start, characters will have the opportunity to discover spells (captured in strange jars) which grant some temporary spellcasting abilities. In addition, other artifacts will unlock rules of magic (such as a dagger which allows spellburn or a scroll that shows automatic corruption). These potent magical forces will help the group unlock areas, overcome encounters, and peel back the darkness. But ultimately it will train players new to DCC magic on how to play a spell caster.

Devious captives seek ever to escape!

But nothing comes easy—beware the corruptive dangers of magic! Mishandled or misused and the jars will leak their corruptive juices and transform the would-be magician into a pile of arcane goo.

Groping in the dark, something sinister lurks, just beyond the light...

Illumination Pad

The "Adventure Pack" pledge level includes a pad of torch/lantern trackers for players with characters holding a light source. These trackers let the players know they might need to hurry up...lest they be the dark!

The illumination pad also has a few quick reference rules for various light sources and handy information for both the player and judge.

Illustrated on high quality paper, the Illumination Pad is an effective and fun way to light up the gaming experience.

Those who pledge in the first 48-hours automatically receive a digital edition of the illumination card.



Shipping will be collected in the pledge manager at the end of the campaign. Unless you request otherwise, all DOMESTIC mail will be shipped using MEDIA MAIL. Product will be shipped from the United States via USPS to all domestic backers. Expect to pay double the MEDIA MAIL rate if you elect PRIORITY MAIL (an option that is insured, and usually moves a lot faster through the postal system). For approximations check with USPS to see standard rates, and add a couple of USD to account for packing supplies and labor.

For areas outside of the US we have seen prices vary. Canada is about double the prices of deliveries within the US, and most other regions vary from 4 to 6 times the costs. We ship with either USPS, UPS, or in some cases FEDEX, whichever offers the best rates. In addition, we are not certain at this time if added tariffs will affect these shipments.

All digital editions will be PDFs delivered through DRIVETHRURPG & BACKERKIT


Our goal is to complete all materials by May of 2025. For printing and shipping allow another month or two. Meaning we hope to see the product release by JULY 2025. 

In case of delays in printing or shipping, we will alert you in an update ASAP. We have successfully funded 20 products on KICKSTARTER and have a proven record of hitting our timeline, sometimes early!

If we reach ALL stretch goals we will be creating some new material. In this case, we can expect to see a slight delay.


No AI was used to produce any of the art or materials in these books or on this page. This work is the product of 100% human passion.

All artworks for the forthcoming books and on this page were created by C. Aaron Kreader.

These products are based on the Dungeon Crawl Classics Role Playing Game, published by Goodman Games. This product is published under license. Dungeon Crawl Classics and DCC RPG are trademarks of Goodman Games. All rights reserved. For additional information, visit or contact [email protected].

These products were created under an official 3rd party license agreement between Studio 9 Games and Goodman Games. For more information about being a 3rd party creator of DCC RPG check it out here.

This project is copyright 2025 © Studio 9 Games
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