How do retailers complete their pledges? There doesn't appear to be any retailer items in the pledge manager. Thanks!
Hey guys! I've not used Backerkit before so I apologise if this is silly. Not sure if I'm being a plonker and not seeing the information that I'm looking for, but maybe you can let me know? I've got the big physical and PDF pledge and was wondering if the PDFs would be available before the physical copies shipped at all? I was hoping to use some of the 1d100 content in my current campaign and am terribly impatient. Many thanks!
The story for this project states that "Portions of this book's text were inspired by ideas created with the assistance of a GAI language model. All of the text in the book is author my myself..." How does the square with the TKG AI policy? It seems like a flagrant violation of the spirit of their policy, if not the letter.