
Question 1: Who is the Lord of the Chaos Die? The Lord of Chaos is "The Maelstrom" represented by a figure that appears to be unable to maintain a solid form, constantly agitating between a storm, elements of the universe/space, butterflies, decaying/collapsing structures to represent entropy, and a jarring cacophony of sound. There should be -no- harmony in the image. Question 2: What are the die faces of the Chaos Die? FACE 1 - BLANK (Replace the nearest die with the blank, this condition cannot be foreseen) FACE 2 - WATER DROPLET INTO A POND/RIPPLE (Reroll any die at the perimeter of the spread where the ripples have the largest effect) FACE 3 - PENDULUM ATTACHED TO A SECOND PENDULUM (aka DOUBLE COMPOUND PENDULUM) (Reroll the 2 closest die to the core die, let them land where they will) FACE 4 - FRACTAL IMAGE (SNOWFLAKE) Read the spread, then reroll and read again. Both paths are equally possible FACE 5 - LIGHTNING BOLT Reroll die in any season furthest from your current season, the weather is increasingly unpredictable the further away in time it is from now FACE 6 - GALAXY (OR SOMETHING ELSE REPRESENTING THE UNIVERSE) (There is a theory that the universe may have ALWAYS been chaotic. The current universe, expands in all directions. The early universe is theorized to have expanded only in third dimensions and contracted in the third. This is considered to be "red shift" in two directions, and "blue shift" in one, but the contracting direction was not always the same, alternating erratically.) Remove a RED or BLUE die from the spread, whichever is closest to you, and replace with the Chaos die.