Publishing Goblin
almost 2 years ago

Project Update: And we're done!! | What Happens Next?

We did it!!

$213,914 in funds!
3,321 backers!

For all my projects, I've always had a slowly growing trajectory.

449 backers on the original Normal Tarot campaign.
658 backers on the original Oracle Dice campaign.
1,674 backers on the Normal Tarot Silver and Gold campaign.
(19,275 on the Alleyman's)
and now 3,321 on this campaign.  The funds do something very similar!

The Alleyman's Tarot was a huge outlier, clearly, but my more typical projects have always had a lovely upward trajectory, and that's amazing. Thank you for joining me on this journey. I literally and matter of factly could not have done any of this without all of you, and I can't wait to show you all what I have planned for the Year of the Goblin next year. 

Pledge Manager Tomorrow

But first, we have to wrap this up and get dice in all of your amazing hands. For now though, sit pretty. Tomorrow, we'll make the move over to the pledge manager portion of this journey, where you'll all be able to grab up all the add-ons your hearts desire to add to your order. Please hang tight until I post a new update announcing the move to the pledge manager. 

Stretch Goals, Prints, and the Reading Journals!

During those two weeks, any add-ons people throw on, or pre-orders we get in, will count towards our stretch goals. Because of this, I am very confident we will unlock the reading journal and the rest of the art prints. Knowing that those items will also help bring money in themselves to reach those goals, I am unlocking those items now to go in the pledge manager! This means the Reading Journal is now officially 'unlocked', and the art print set will indeed feature all 22 Lords!

22 Lords?

You heard me right! There will be 22 dice, one way or another. If we're heading to the 300,000 goal once add-ons and pre-orders open, we will still design the final die as a community. But if we don't hit that goal, no sweat. I replaced the Fate die from the original edition in this set-- now it belongs to the Gambler and it's a proper die with themes and symbolism. But the original Fate Die, which used to do things like shift dice around, remove dice from readings, or force re-rolls, will return as the Chaos Die if we don't hit the last stretch goal, with a few small tweaks. There will be 22 dice no matter what!

Fulfillment Timeline

Looks to me like we're at the 200,000 timeline, so we are intending to ship in or by November. It takes 2 weeks to get funds on Kickstarter, so I'm assuming I have those two weeks to finish up final print files for manufacturers. Start of August, production begins, and lasts a good month to a month and a half. Mid September items are gathered with the fulfillment partner, packaged up, and by mid November items should be in some people's hands or at the very least, on the way before the end of the month.

This is a much smaller campaign so far with far fewer items and backers than the Alleymans Tarot. I see no reason we should have much in the way of delays due to amount being manufactured or anything like that. But as always, I'll keep you all posted as things change.

Talk again very soon! And congrats to us!





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