Replies to Restoration Games: Project Update: Our Fate Is Written in the Stars

Is a spell no longer "prepared" after you use it? So you use it at the beginning of the month and then would need to wait until the start of the next month to prepare it again? Or do prepared spells stick around until the end of the month and then you can swap them out? In that case, are you allowed to use them only once per turn? I might have missed how much you are allowed to use them. Either way, very much into it.


As a playtester who never got to test this character because of it being under construction at the time, I would like to know this as well. But either way, I can't wait to play this character, it's totally my style versatile and tactical.

Correct. You after you use a spell, it goes back to your hand, and you can't use it again unless you ready it again next month.