Replies to Jason Taylor: Project Update: You Make Your Own Luck

Oh. I supposed it’s been tested a thousand times. But I fear that this character could be too powerful. It’s not a high-risk/high-reward, but only abolishing risks.


I see waht you mean, but I believe it's a more swingy character. If you get brutal lucky, and all aof you rolls give you something you will be powerful, on the other hand you can get unlucky with her (him?). 1. All other caharcetrs banner is a straight forward, where you get something every round. The swindler gets (statisticly) every other round nothing. Even with reroll virtue, you will 25% chance getting nothing for banner. 2. The calculating virtue sounds also good, but only if you draw thise crits. In my last game I fighted6 foes + adversary and I did not draw any crits. 3. Inventive is also incidental. In most cases you will get 1 plus advantage from it, sometimes 2, but 3 advantages will be very rare. I don't see it overpowered, and the desing aspects are clearly visible. I will play this charachter, because she is so piraty looking. :) It won't be my faveouirte charachter, but I can clearly see some people in my gaming group who will love her.


@Jim. I understand better now. I agree with you 👍


I never thought double haggling was too broken. My gf always comboed the Spymaster double reinforce virtue with the Necklace of Haggling and it never broke the game.