This is fantastic! I'm mentally like "only one backerupdate a day Rick. Nobody likes email spam."

So... the first stretch goal is almost unlocked! I'll totally feature some stuff about that tomorrow and more music in the update. For some people the ability to stream music without copyright strikes is a huge deal. For others, it allows us to distribute the music and help the band and Mike Romero compose the pure orchestral soundtrack side of the metal album. 

The metal album... absolutely shreds. The orchestral tracks? I can't wait to have the final rendered tracks so we can share them out to the world. 

But that's what this next stretch goal is all about! Polish, composition, and letting DiAmorte distribute their music in the way they want without the Skynet of and A.I. Bots issuing takedowns on streamed content. 

I'll share some previews in tomorrows update on that!





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