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Get It At Sutlers

by Melsonian Arts Council

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A view of Sutlers' zeppelin dock

The front cover

Get It At Sutlers is the upcoming new book by Daniel Sell, the creator of TROIKA!: The Science-Fantasy Roleplaying Game. This official expansion to TROIKA! gives your characters the option to get jobs in Sutlers, the chaotic (and dangerous) department store in the heart of the city. Once hired, they will have a sandbox of hundreds of micro-adventures and encounters, easily accessed and introduced into your game at a moment's notice.

Beware the Night Manager

Get It At Sutlers is a tool to add depth and convenience to ongoing campaigns set in the city of Troika, or any equivalently odd, large city. This hefty expansion introduces the ability for player characters to take on a day job at the prestigious department store, Sutlers! This day job can be anything from a whole session - allowing for complete Clerks-esque campaigns if it suits you - down to a momentary aside when the party needs a little bit of money to purchase a ticket to their next adventure.  

State of the art cleaning staff

The book starts with a structured adventure to get the party hired and serving their first day at work, and then it opens up into hundreds (!) of encounters and micro adventures.  Once hired, they can decide to work at the store at any time, without warning, and Get It At Sutlers will make it effortless to guide them through encountering the citizens of Troika across hundreds of micro-adventures. Just roll up a day at work, play out what happens, and get those player characters paid. Never again run out of material for your sandbox campaigns!

Trendy cosmetic treatments

For the first time ever, get a deep and detailed look at the titular city of Troika, its citizens, its culture, its peculiarities and infuriating habits! Across the hundreds of encounters with its residents, you will get a feel for the city like never before. It is a rich source of inspiration for your games and world, even if players never set foot in the store.

Coming soon!

Follow along, share it around, and help us build the world of Troika!

Impeccable safety record

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