🏅 Studio Agate Launches a Loyalty Program: Agate Patrons
by Studio Agate
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Agate Patrons: Loyalty Program
For more than 10 years, we have been writing, translating, and illustrating roleplaying game books, and producing music and video games. We have always striven to improve, so that all of you can have great gaming moments. Everything we have made, everything we have released, we are aware that we couldn’t have done it without you, and that we can only keep going with you!
You are an amazing community. Time and again, you have given us your support, and you have kept spurring our creativity. Thank you for being by our side through all our adventures; you are the “Agate Patrons”! Across the years, our Studio has structured itself, and we have even managed to create employment here, in France. For all of this, we thank you :)
Who Is This Program Intended For?
This program will apply to anyone who backs our crowdfunding campaigns on Ulule and Kickstarter, whether for French or English releases.
How Does It Work?
You will obtain credit you can use toward your future pledges of our projects by backing them.
Upon your third subscription, we will add together the amount of your three subscriptions, and you will be given €/$10 worth of credit for every €/$100 spent. The credit will automatically be added to your account. Each new series of three subscriptions grants you credit at the end of your third participation.
Example: Sam backed three of our crowdfundings. They pledged $95 on the first, $120 on the second, and $80 on the third, for a total of $295 for all three. With $10 of credit for every $100 (rounded to the nearest), Sam will get $30 added to their account at the end of the third crowdfunding.
Important: Additions during the pledge manager or late pledge will not be taken into account. Only the amount pledged during the Ulule/Kickstarter campaign proper will count.
How Can This Credit Be Spent?
The credit will be added to the Backerkit account (the pledge manager tool we use for our crowdfundings) of your third subscription. You can use it to pay shipping fees, acquire additional options, or upgrade your pledge.
The credit must be used on the Backerkit it is added to. It cannot be kept or carried over: whatever is not spent is lost. It cannot be refunded, transferred, or converted.
When Will This Take Effect?
The Fateforge: Chronicles of Kaancrowdfunding is the first opportunity to be part of the Agate Patrons. If you back this campaign, you will only need to back two more campaigns before you can enjoy your first credit reward!
Bonus for Early-Day Backers: $10 credit for Fateforge: Chronicles of Kaan
We wish to thank backers who have been supporting us, some of you from the very beginning! All backers who have backed one of our campaigns in the past, whether on Ulule or Kickstarter, and regardless of the number of campaigns backed, get a special bonus: a credit of $10 applicable to the Kickstarter for the board game Fateforge: Chronicles of Kaan!
This crowdfunding project, launched by our friends from Mighty Boards, is running until the 11th October. Our Studio will be in charge of translating it into French.
This game offers an accessible, cooperative RPG-like board game experience for 1 to 4 players. Meaningful narrative choices and intense combat scenes are the action-packed heart of the game. The app-driven story will have you navigate your way through Easafir, capital of Kartaçöl’s Empire. Action and adventure aplenty!
To redeem this credit, all you need to do is pledge like normal for any reward tier above $1 on the Chronicles of Kaan Kickstarter campaign. You will receive a $10 credit on your pledge automatically in your Backerkit account once the pledge manager opens.
Note that if you have been using a different e-mail address since your past subscriptions, make sure to let us know via contact form, so that we can ensure you get your credit.
Thank You!
These will be our closing words. It is truly thanks to you that we can keep going on this great creative adventure, and we hope that the products of our imagination can take you on fantastic journeys for a long time still…
Thank you again for your support! Nel, Iris & all the Studio Agate
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