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Get Ready for A Sea of Fate Leather Bound

by Kyle Throw

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Hi Everyone, I am a very small independent author who is publishing a book. I don't expect to sell many copies of this, but as a treat for myself and early fans, I wanted to get a really nice leather-bound copy of the book made in remembrance of this special occasion. I have worked for many years to get this far, and now that I'm on a roll new books will be coming quickly. 

If I know you and you back this, know that you are my forever friend 

If I don't know you and you back this. Wow, you are my favorite person ever. 

The book is finished, and you can read in on Kindle Vella.  Once the backerkit is over and I know whether I'm printing any limited edition copies, then I will also be posting it on Amazon.

Obviously this is going to come with some risks, I think I have a good printer lined but, but things unforseen can happen and put this behind schedule. Hopefully all goes smoothly and I can get you all a book that you will cherish.

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