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DX MONSTERS® is a trading card game that challenges two players to battle with their Zone Masters to protect their Zone or conquer their opponent's Zone. DX MONSTERS is set in the Dimension X universe, where war has broken out to gain power through the Imperial Crystal, which was shattered long ago. Players can collect rare and powerful monsters, spells, and equips to help boost their odds in zoning their opponent. Your journey begins now in this new, fun, epic, and exciting trading card game!
Zone Masters (players) must have a deck containing between 40-60 cards.
Before the game starts, players decide who will be going first. (dice roll, coin flip, etc.)
Players set the top 3 cards of their deck into their shield zones as their shields.
Players then draw 5 cards for their opening hand.
Players then conduct their turns by summoning monsters, playing spells, using equips, activating card effects, moving, and battling. (DX Monsters has no phases and a player may use these actions in any order/combination the player chooses)
Summoning monsters: Monsters are summoned into the Battle Zones and can attack within these zones. Lv1 monsters have no summoning cost and my be summoned into the Battle Zone freely. Strong monsters like Lv2 and higher have a summoning cost in which the lower-level monster must be Benched, which is called a Bench Summon. The higher-leveled monster then takes its place in the Battle Zone. (Benched: When a monster is pushed back into the Bench Zone by battle and/or when used to summon a stronger monster. A monster that is Benched while it is already in the Bench Zone is Zoned. A Zoned monster is flipped over, and Zoned cards cannot move on the field)
Special Summon monsters: When a monster is special summoned, they are played from the hand, deck, graveyard, or banish zones without performing a Bench Summon. Monsters Unzoned are also Special Summoned. (Unzone a monster is flipping a monster card back face up from the Bench Zone that was Zoned; this type of effect is special, and only happens rarely.
Playing Spells: A player may use spells to their advantage. Spell cards are played from the hand, and are then sent to the owner’s graveyard after they are played. Normal Spells (blue cards) can only be used on their turn. Quick Spells (red) can be used at any time. Ex: between attacks, summons, effects, on opponent’s turn, etc.
Playing Land Cards: A player can only control one Land card at a time. If a player wants to play a different Land cards, they must send the old one to their graveyard.
Using Equips: Equip cards (orange) can give a monster a boost in their battle stats, and/or an extra effect. (Equip cards do not count toward a Bench Break; a Bench Break occurs when a player has 3 cards stacked in a Bench Zone.
Activating card effects: Many cards will have effects that can be used. Some can be activated under surton conditions, and/or when the card is zoned.
Moving: Each Zone Master has one move that they can use per turn. A move can be used as sliding a monster from one Battle Zone to an adjacent Battle Zone, switching 2 adjacent monsters, bringing a monster from the bench zone back up to the battle zone, or bringing a monster that is covered in the Bench Zone by a Zoned card on top of the stack.
Battling: Each monster that a player controls may attack once per turn. Monsters battle in the same columns, useless an effect lets them battle anywhere on the field. When monsters attack, they attack with their Battle Color. (Battle Color is where the monster's Lv is, and some monsters may attack with any Battle Stat or cannot attack at all) When monsters are battling, they compare their Battle Stat with the attacking monster’s Battle Color, then the losing monster is either Benched by battle or Zoned. When a monster is Bench, it is pushed back into the Bench Zone behind them. Cards can be stacked in the Bench Zone, and if 3 cards are stacked in a single Bench Zone; that player takes on a Bench Break. If a monster is in the Bench Zone already and loses a battle, the benched monster is Zoned instead. (Monsters in the Bench Zone cannot attack but can be attacked. Other actions can be done between attacks with monsters that they control like moving, playing spells, using equips, card effects, and/or summoning)
The objective of the game is to Zone your opponent. To Zone your opponent a player mainly tries to Zone their opponent’s monsters and case a Bench Break to your opponent. Bench Breaks occur when a player has 3 cards stacked in a single Bench Zone. (those cards are then sent to the owner’s graveyard, and they break a shield or if they control no shields they lose the game. Players take their turns summoning monsters to over take their opponent. A player must watch their own Bench Zones for they will fill up by summoning stronger monsters so they don’t cause a Bench Break on themselves.
Some cards have powerful effects that can automatically Zone a player or monsters/cards. (A player Zoned automatically loses a shield, and/or if they control no shields they lose the battle. A monster or card Zoned is flipped over, and Zoned cards cannot be moved.)
A player can also lose by a Deck Out (When a player cannot draw for their turn, they lose the game)
A player can also do what is called a Direct Attack on their opponent. (A player can do a Direct Attack when they can attack with a monster in each battle zone at once while their opponent has no face-up monsters on their field) This action Zones the opponent, which will cause a Shield Break or Zone them.
Players take turns till their opponent is zoned, decked out, or defeated by a card effect. There is no hand size limit, players can summon as many monsters as they may, and use their actions in any combinations they see fit.
Shield Break: when a shield is broken, a players shield is then sent to their hand as a comeback card. Shields are usually broken by a Bench Break, Direct Attack, or a card effect. Once a player controls no shields, they are in danger and then next time they are Zoned, they lose the game.
Mill (Send the top card of the deck to its controls graveyard) effects are the most common way to cause a Deck Out.
The real fun begins when a player builds their own deck. There are over 250 cards to make a fearsome custom deck to Zone your opponents. Collect and trade to build the perfect deck.
Visit and DX Monsters TCG on YouTube to learn more.
Season 1 currently has 6 Starter Decks and with the help of this Kickstarter campaign we will launch our 7th and final Starter Deck for Season 1: Zamus' Revenge. Each deck has its own gameplay and strategies. Each starter deck contains 40 cards that consist of common, uncommon, rare, and ultra-rare cards. The 7 decks are ready to play out of the box and can be customized by adding or removing cards from your collection.
Season 1 launch also has 2 booster sets, Dark Beginning and Return of Legends. The booster sets contain a total card count of 94 additional cards. Dark Beginning has 51 new cards that cannot be collected from any of the Starter Decks. With this Kickstarter, we will launch the second booster set: Return of Legends. Return of Legends is the newest expansion with 43 new cards and 8 cards from the Starter Decks.
Eight different land cards can be collected in Season 1 and they are not found in starter decks or booster packs. Each land card has its own effect and can be used in many strategies.
Then finally our promo cards. Ripper The Golden Raptor was our 1st promo when we first launched our game and can be collected through ordering online or at shows. Excalibur and Healing Springs are our newest promos, exclusive to this Kickstarter! There are a total of 276 cards to collect and a final card that comes in a future event.
We are a husband-and-wife team of artists who fell in love and decided to make our own trading card game. DX MONSTERS is a child's dream come true. Now our story lives and grows through DX MONSTERS as we release more seasons throughout the years. We hope to grow our dreams as our family grows, and share our love for games and this epic tale with everyone! With us starting a family next year, we have so much more planned for DX MONSTERS--including 5 seasons lined up so far! If you're a big trading card player or love collecting cards, DX MONSTERS is great to jump into and join the journey to Dimension X!
Are you interested in carrying DX Monsters TCG in your local brick-and-mortar store? Great, we'd love to partner with you! We're offering a Retailer Package to allow your store to purchase DX Monsters TCG products.
Retailers interested should complete the following form fill out this form to view more offer details and complete the verification.
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