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Get Ready for Solo : Sol

by James Bradley

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Solo : Sol is a dedicated Solo TTRPG, set in the late 23rd Century. You play as a newly licensed space trader working for the solar system's corporate government. Using a unique in-game calendar system combined with a simple yet effective stat-modifying D10 system, this game promises to be immersive, crunchy, and challenging.

The perfect solo role-playing game for anyone interested in losing themselves at the table.

The game has a lovely compact footprint and can be taken with you anywhere.

  • 500+ page game booklet with lots of engaging and immersive artwork boasting a retro-futurism aesthetic.
  • An atmospheric play-alongside soundtrack
  • A gameplay example tutorial to get you playing immediately
  • Pirate Cards
  • Planetary System Cards
  • Calendar Card to allow you to log "Space Seasons"  
  • Player sheets to allow you to track and take command of your journey
  • Lots of fun and unique add-ons to get more immersed in the game

The campaign is due to start in April with most of the core aspects of the game itself complete. This is my 4th game and something I am 100% confident in delivering to all backers before the summer.

If you want a new experience at the tabletop, then follow this page and be one of the first to know when we go live!

AI Artwork Disclaimer.
Adhering to the rules of Backerkit regarding AI-generated art, the artwork in Solo : Sol has utilised the Photoshop Beta tool to generate backgrounds cohesive with the aesthetics of the assets I created. I have reused modular assets and tweaked the backgrounds to best represent the digital art's pencil and charcoal look so without it being exclusive AI art, I have used it in some images to save time and resources. I feel strongly that without this help the game would not have been finished in the time frame, nor would it be anywhere near the reduced cost target I had set for the fully printed game. As a designer, I am excited about the benefits of AI and feel that if careful consideration is made and original art is to be protected then AI tools like Photoshop Beta will be as revolutionary to digital designers like myself as the invention of acrylic paint to painters in the 1930s. If it helps to get massive projects like this over the line then I don't see anything but positivity from it.

Can we count on your pledge for Solo: Sol?

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