5e Adventure set in the world of Battle Mage Farmer
by Zero Strategy Games
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Summoned by an Ecclesia Priestess, you must root out the necromantic threat plaguing the quaint village of Fairford. Play as members of the Ecclesia (and some hired hands) to find the cultists hiding in the village and wipe out the undead roaming the countryside.
Battle Mage Farmer: Tales of the Ecclesia is a 5e adventure set in the world of Battle Mage Farmer by Seth Ring. Explore the Valley, meeting familiar faces and visiting familiar places from the Battle Mage Farmer series. This adventure is not just for long time fans, but is also a great introduction for new fans into the world of Battle Mage Farmer!
Sign up now to get an early access sneak peek to a brand new Novella written by Seth Ring!
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