Hey, Vern! Guess who's back for his first adventure in over 25 years!
days hrs min sec
Ernest & the Dream Stone
by Ernest Goes to Comics
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Coming exclusively to Kickstarter Sept. 17 - Oct. 17, Ernest is back in a brand new graphic novel with over 150 fully-colored pages!
Ernest is holding the standard edition
It's a fantastic, spooky, true-to-form, Ernest-y adventure perfect for Halloween season. Adapted from an original screenplay, you'll hear Ernest's voice as you read, and it'll feel like experiencing a brand-new Ernest movie right there in your lap!
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Only available to those who make a physical pledge, meaning if you only order the PDF of the book, but not a physical copy, you are not eligible.
We send out a new, FREE, digital download every Tuesday right up until we launch on Sept. 17th! And don't worry, if you join now, you can still access the exclusive downloads you already missed. Plus this isn't your typical boring marketing email. We chalk the emails full of cool history and YouTube links so you get a lot of awesome content.
Created in direct collaboration with the owners of the Ernest franchise and with the heartfelt support of Jim Varney's nephew and biographer, Justin Lloyd, this project is a true labor of love.
Ernest & the Dream Stone standard ed. cover by Arief Russanto
If you want to help us NOW, after you sign your email here, head to our Kickstarter prelaunch page and click ‘Notify Me on Launch.’
I know it's one extra thing to do, but you’ll be the first to know when we go live and it really helps boost us in Kickstarter’s algorithm early!