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Get Ready for Merchants Cove: Master Craft

by Final Frontier Games

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Master Craft is a big-box core expansion for the critically acclaimed euro-game Merchants Cove.  Contained in this treasure trove of content is a new expansion (The Faction Festival), new modular content (new Rogues, Townsfolk), four new expert Merchants and lots more surprises. Coming soon to Kickstarter!

The Mushroom Farmer - Amanita Moghed

Assign work orders to your various insects, instructing them how to move and manipulate your Mushroom Garden.

The Detective - Hemlock Trolmes

To pinpoint your suspect, you will need to cleverly place, move, and overlap your clear-plastic clue cards to from workable theories.

The Treasure Diver - Jacques “Finn” Greentail

Generations of crashed merchant and military ships make for lucrative treasure hunting. Always been one to push his luck, Finn nevers knows when enough is enough, and has made quite a name for himself scouring the gem and coin filled hulls on the seafloor near the cove.

The Pastry Chef - Ava Shortcake

Ava has a machine-operated mixer that turns like clockwork. Once goods leave the mixer, the process is only half over, as you’ll need to carefully manage the temperature in the oven to ensure that your goods are properly baked and risen.

The Faction Festival - Gameplay Expansion

A new board is connected to the bottom of the main board adding tracks for each of the Factions, and brand new mechanisms for each Faction to use.

The Wizards will enchant your goods to make them worth twice as much – while the Rogues will help you frame the other players, letting you get rid of corruption by pinning it on your opponents. Place your goods into Display Cases loaned by the noble faction to increase their value, secure Advertisements deals by working with the Bards, or gain additional help running your shop from the Warriors.


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