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Get Ready for Hearts in Orbit

by Ashe Lucia

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In the land of Astron,

There is a legend, a story that has been passed down for generations.
The story tells the tale of two stars who were madly in love with each other.

Their love was so powerful in fact, they pulled each other into a shared orbit, creating a binary star system.
But no matter how close they'd get to each other, they'd always push the other away.

Destined to share this eternal dance, but never able to embrace one another,
for their love would burn too brightly and engulf all.

So, the two danced on. For years and years. For centuries. For millennia.

Until one day, the Goddess looked down upon her two stars and asked,
"Why do you continue dancing when you know you'll never touch?"

"Because we must try. We have to keep trying",
The stars replied in unison.

The Goddess's heart ached for the two stars, and witnessing the intensity of their love, she found herself moved to tears.

Knowing she had to do something to help, the Goddess made the stars an offer,
"While you can't touch in this life, perhaps you can in the next.
What if I were to reincarnate you both as humans in the next life?
Would you like that?"


The stars screamed out with such force the planets orbiting them shook.
"Then it will be done. But, I must warn you, you won't have any memories of this life. You will have to uncover the truth on your own.
There is no way around this. If your love is true, you will meet again in your new lives."

The stars looked at each other,
knowing they'd always find each other, and agreed.

Some people believe those two stars are out there, watching over Astron, while others believe they truly did reincarnate among us.

Will they ever embrace? No one knows for sure...

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