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Get Ready for Pink Cloud RPG for DnD 5E and Pathfinder 2E: A Game for Friends of Bill and Bob

by Twelvefold Works Publishing

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Two years ago we successfully kickstarted the world's first "12-Stepper roleplaying game." Pink Cloud (also known as Circle & Triangle) used our own d12-based house system, and is still available through our Twelvefold Works Publishing storefront; and the poster map of the New Land is on Etsy. Yet there's a free PDF of that d12 Circle & Triangle game here. The game was even featured in an article in the Akron, Ohio city newspaper!: "Recovery is victory: Akron is center of fantasy role-playing game based on 12-step culture."

Fast forward to the present: we're converting the game into the most popular and preëminent RPG systems of today! This Backerkit crowdfunding campaign is for making two new conversions of Pink Cloud: a version using the popular 5E system, and a separate version using the Pathfinder 2E system. Both will present new Recovery-themed character options; here's a provisional overview:
  • Affliction Types (5E species, Pathfinder ancestries) such as the Barleycorn Folk and the Children of Chaos 
  • The 12-Stepper Class (a 5E version and a Pathfinder 2E version)
  • Recovery Tribes or Fellowships (=5E Subclasses, Pathfinder Archetypes)
  • Prayers and Meditations (=the "spells" of the New Land)
  • Higher-Powered Artifacts and Recovery Swag (=magic items)
  • Bogeymen (=monsters)
Pink Cloud has something to offer 5E and Pathfinder players, regardless of whether you're familiar with 12-Step culture or not. I mean, c'mon, King Alcohol will make for quite a opponent (or ally?) in any DnD campaign!

But this isn't just a conversion, it's a re-write. We're also aiming to include new illustrations, specially commissioned for the fantastic New Land of the Big Book.

This is a mock-up; the final product will look somewhat different, capeesh?

New Bogeymen (monsters) for 5E and Pf2 include:
  • Bacchus
  • Bankrupt Human Concerns (B.H.C.s, a.k.a. Hobo Goblins)
  • Bleeding Deacons
  • Bleeding Forms
  • The Bogeyman of Pride
  • The Bogeyman of Fear
  • The Bogeyman of Harm (a.k.a. The Nothing—The Cipher—The (Seeming) Boss Universal—The Very Devil)
  • Chaos
  • Children of Chaos
  • Czar of the Heavens
  • The Eight Bedevilments
  • First Citizens
  • The Four Horsemen
  • The God of Intellect and Reason
  • The Grim Jester
  • Imperious Urges
  • Jails, Institutions, and Death (oh my!)
  • Killjoys (a.k.a. Joy Killers)
  • King Alcohol (a.k.a. The Stranger)
  • Law and Order (wrong-sized)
  • Lotus Eaters (a.k.a. Lotophagi)
  • The Lure of Money
  • Mudslingers
  • My Addict
  • Naturally Dishonest Unfortunates (N.D.U.s, a.k.a. “Such Unfortunates” or Lepra Cons)
  • Rebellion Dogs
  • The Seven Deadly Sins
  • The Six Anti-Franciscans
  • Santa Claus (a greedoholic imposter)
  • Shivering Denizens
  • Skeletons in the Closet
  • Thoroughly Bad-Intentioned Men (T.B.I.M.s)
  • Twisted and Violent Tigers (T.V.T.s)
  • War Fever 
Several of these will be playable as Player Character ancestries!
King Alcohol is one of the biggest Bogeymen in the fantastic world of the New Land!

Content Warning: This game portrays fantastic analogs of real world afflictions and real-world recovery tropes. Though we aim for a humane and warm-hearted vibe, we acknowledge this is a touchy subject which may be too intense for some audiences.

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