Sunrise Blossom: a comic about Gay Harpies... wait, there's a GAY MERMAID?! - Wait, where the f*ck is Violet the human?!?!?!?!?! Sign up to find out? 👀   days   hrs   min   sec

Get Ready for Sunrise Blossom #1-5

by Nina Daisy Aberlein

Sign-up and help our gay harpy kiss some ladies

Join 180 other people!
 The harpy Ivy is tired. Despite having finally slept with the woman she loves, it doesn't feel right. Can she move on? Will a beautiful mermaid help with that?

Sign up to our pre-launch list to be notified when the LGBT Monster Girl romance comic Sunrise Blossom #1-5 launches in early 2024 - join to get free stretch goal trinkets!

                                        Free bookmarks, prints, stickers, etc <3 <3 <3

                               Help me print and bring my comics into your hands :D

Early Bird backers who pledge in the first 48h also get this free sticker!

Here's a couple sneak peek pages from Sunrise Blossom #5!

And here's a sneak peek from the previous issue (which you can get in this campaign as well), Sunrise Blossom #4 <3

Sign-up and help our gay harpy kiss some ladies

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