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The Invasion Begins in MEMPHIS vs. ZOMBIES #1!

by Thrill Comics

Will you join us in supporting our first big project?

I'm thrilled to present Memphis vs. Zombies a comic book project that promises an adventure like never before! Picture this: A routine 5K race, a sudden outbreak of zombie Elvis impersonators, and a fight for survival in the streets of Memphis, TN. And that's just the first issue! Intrigued? You should be!

Memphis vs. Zombies #1 (Regular Cover) by Ryan Ladner
Why You Should Be Excited:
This isn't your typical zombie tale. It's a fusion of humor, horror, and unexpected twists, bringing together diverse characters like Walter, our teenaged protagonist, and Officers Joe and Riley, whose routine day takes an undead turn. It's a cinematic escape into a world where the citizens of Memphis, TN face off against the undead. Now, that's something to get excited about!
So, what am I raising funds for? To bring this thrilling adventure to life! I care deeply about storytelling that pushes boundaries and takes readers on a rollercoaster of emotions. "Memphis vs. Zombies" is a passion project, and your support will help me create a comic that breaks the mold.

Officer Riley Hayes Character Design by Ryan Ladner

How do we plan to make it happen? With your backing, I can cover the costs of illustration, printing, and production. While I fancy myself a decent artist, I understand my limitations and, quite frankly, I draw extremely slowly. I know it will take the help of outside artists to complete multiple issues in a timely manner. I've carefully curated exclusive rewards, from digital copies to personalized illustrations, to make your involvement in this project special. I also plan on forming an LLC to publish MvZ and future titles under.
Who am I? I'm Ryan Ladner, the creator behind this undead showdown. This project has a been a labor of love that I began writing way back in 2015. It's taken a backseat to life throughout the years, but the time for MvZ is NOW! My influences in creating this story are my lifelong love of superhero comics and my desire to tell a new story set in the city I call home. I've poured my heart into crafting a narrative that will hopefully keep you hooked. I'm not just trying to fund my comic, but to build an MvZ community.

Memphis vs. Zombies #1 (B&W Thrill Variant) [Cover will be holofoil]

Here's where community comes in. I plan to self-publish MvZ under the publisher name Thrill Comics. Ideally, I would like to reach a point of self-sustainability where I am able to publish not only my own comics, but other great ideas that are brought to me. I have no aspirations of world domination, but I would love to help other writers and illustrators make their dreams come true too!
Join me in this fight against the undead, and let's make Memphis vs. Zombies a reality together. Back my campaign, share the excitement, and become part of a community that loves stories that dare to be different.
Thank you for considering joining me on this thrilling journey. Together, we'll unleash the undead and create a comic adventure that will be talked about for years to come.

Best Regards,

Ryan Ladner
CEO of Thrill Comics
Creator of Memphis vs. Zombies

Etta McKinley Character Design by Ryan Ladner

Will you join us in supporting our first big project?

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