Charles Ryan
over 1 year ago

Project Update: Adventures Upgraded—Let’s Make a New Thing!

Thank you, backers!

You’ve upgraded Adventures in the Cypher System. We’re now expanding this adventure book with two additional new adventures. That’s roughly a 33% increase in the book’s size and content!

As a reminder, Adventures in the Cypher System, along with the Cypher System Bestiary and Cypher System Creature Deck 2, is included among the rewards for everyone backing at the Cypher Hero, Cypher Expert, and All In: Cypher Voyager! pledge levels (in print and PDF) and Digital Cypher Expert (PDF only). These levels are the real bargains in this campaign!

Speaking of new rewards for those levels, we have another thing we’d like to make. This one is a bit more modest, but it’s nevertheless a cool and very useful tool at any Cypher System gaming table: A new XP Deck.

In the Cypher System, players earn experience points for making discoveries, facing unexpected challenges—and most colorfully, as a result of GM intrusions. And they spend XP not just to advance their characters, but to reroll dice, enact player intrusions, and other at-the-table activities. In other words, XP trade hands fairly often during play. (They’re also measured in ones, not hundreds.)

Having tokens to represent XP is super convenient. Almost any small item can do the trick: gaming groups have used beads, coins, even M&Ms (just don’t eat your rewards!). But cards are the handiest—they’re portable, resistant to the attention of cats, and easily tucked into your character portfolio between sessions. (And there’s nothing like the drama of the GM silently drawing two XP cards, while the players lean forward, wondering what GM intrusion this portends…)

There’s already a Cypher System XP Deck, but we think it could be even nicer. This new 30-card deck will feature unique art on every card, showcasing the breadth and beauty of the Cypher System line. We’ll unlock it at $575,000, and it will be added to the rewards of every backer at the Cypher Hero, Cypher Expert, and All In: Cypher Voyager pledge levels (in print and PDF) and Digital Cypher Expert level (PDF only).
(If you signed up to be notified, or pledged within the first 48 hours, your special XP deck will be completely compatible with this one. The cards will go together great, and the unique art in each deck won’t be duplicated.)

This campaign launched at an amazing pace. It’s now in a (completely normal) slower phase. If you continue to help spread the word, you’ll help new gamers discover the Cypher System and move us toward this and future stretch goals!

Thanks again for your support!
—Team MCG




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