Latest from the Creator
Weird Giraffe Games
4 months ago
Shipping Continues!
Let us know if you haven't gotten all of your items by February 28th Remember how we said to let us know at the end of January if you haven't received your packages? Well... som...
Weird Giraffe Games
5 months ago
Shipping Nearly Complete!
Shipping is nearly complete! If you completed your pledge manager after mid-November, your game will be in the second wave of shipments. I'm also still in the process of getting...
Weird Giraffe Games
7 months ago
Nearly Shipped!
There's been a few delays but shipping is going to start so soon! In fact, if you ordered add-ons, you might have things on the way already! Turns out, not much happens during E...
Weird Giraffe Games
9 months ago
Explosion in the Laboratory Pledge Manager Information
Pledge Manager  Soon, you’ll receive an email with a special link to your BackerKit survey. It’s important to respond to your survey as quickly as you can since I need this in...
Weird Giraffe Games
11 months ago
June Update
The proof copy came in! I've been making fixes and running unguided playtests to make sure the rules and components are clear. One aspect that took longer than expected was ...
Weird Giraffe Games
about 1 year ago
May Update
All the files have finally been accepted by manufacturing and the proof copies have been made! Manufacturing sent along some photos and they'll be sending along the proof cop...
Weird Giraffe Games
4 months ago

Project Update: Shipping Continues!

Let us know if you haven't gotten all of your items by February 28th

Remember how we said to let us know at the end of January if you haven't received your packages? Well... some shipments are taking longer than expected, and others are pinballing from customs to customs and taking their sweet time to make their way to you.

So, rather than letting us know in a few days if you haven't gotten your items yet, please wait until February 28th to let us know. I'm very sorry about this, it's absolutely unanticipated and I'm constantly surprised by new fulfillment issues. You'd think with as many campaigns as I've fulfilled, and as many issues I've seen in the past, nothing would surprise me. But here we are!

This includes anyone who filled out their pledge manager after mid-November, as the second wave of shipments was submitted! 

Retailer orders

We've gotten messages from a handful of retailers following up on their orders. Please know they aren't lost or anything, we just haven't even reached out to you to finalize your orders yet. However, we'll be doing that soon. Thank you so much for being patient!

We have a discord server!

You're always more than welcome to reach out to ask questions or chat in the comments across this campaign, but if you want a quicker response or to see what's going on with Weird Giraffe Games, we'd love it if you join our server! We also have a several special events running now and starting soon that we'd love to have you take part in. You can join here.

Missing or Broken Parts

If you've received your order but it's incorrect, or if any of the pieces are broken or missing, please create a helpdesk ticket to let us know.

Ratings and Pictures

Two of the most meaningful things you can do for us after you play Explosion in the Laboratory is to post a picture of yourself playing the game on social media or BGG and to rate the game on BGG. It's so amazing to see people having fun playing Explosion in the Laboratory because it means we have brought you joy, which is why we make games! If you choose to post a picture, please tag us (@weirdgiraffes on twitter and Weird Giraffe Games on Facebook)!

We have loved hearing your stories, and it makes our day to know that you enjoy Explosion in the Laboratory! I sincerely thank you for your sharing your kind words and thoughts.

You can rate Explosion in the Laboratory by going to its Board Game Geek page here. Then, you can select how many stars you want to rate it. If you hover over the stars, it will give you a description of what each number means. I really appreciate you taking the time to rate Explosion in the Laboratory!

In Conclusion

It's definitely been an adventure getting to this point, but everything is nearly done! Thanks for sticking with us for this long and I can't wait to hear what you think about the game! 

And as always, if you have any questions, comments, or anything else please submit a help ticket, unless it's an issue with the pledge manager. In that case, go here:

- 💥🔥📗 Carla, Weird Giraffe Games




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Weird Giraffe Games
5 months ago

Project Update: Shipping Nearly Complete!

Shipping is nearly complete! If you completed your pledge manager after mid-November, your game will be in the second wave of shipments. I'm also still in the process of getting add-ons sent out, as they're a particularly complicated process, but those should be finished by the end of January. 

If you don't receive your game by mid-January or your add-ons by the end of January, please fill out a helpdesk ticket. This is really the best way to contact us, as these create an email that goes to both me AND Beth and both of us check email more often than anything else. 

Missing or Broken Parts

If there's anything wrong with your game or it's missing any parts, please fill out a helpdesk ticket


We have a discord server! You can join here: If you're interested in talking about board games, game design & publishing, and future Weird Giraffe Games, you're more than welcome to join! You should especially join if you'd like to talk or playtest future games in this series, like Flood in the Aquarium. Also, what comes after that? Only you can help figure out what catastrophe will happen next.  

Thank You!

I especially want to thank everyone for being so incredibly patient in this process. It's definitely been a lot more than anticipated, between me getting COVID, needing surgery, and generally getting through 2023.  There were definitely more hiccups in the process than anticipated, but I appreciate all of you for your support throughout! 

If you have any questions or comments, definitely feel free to reach out!

Carla, Weird Giraffe Games




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Weird Giraffe Games
7 months ago

Project Update: Nearly Shipped!

There's been a few delays but shipping is going to start so soon! In fact, if you ordered add-ons, you might have things on the way already! Turns out, not much happens during Essen (other than Essen), I'm basically allergic to Texas, and there's more than one holiday that makes things slower for manufacturing. 

At this point, I hope that shipping will start next week and take up to 2-3 weeks to get to you. However, sometimes things take a bit longer than you'd think, so it could be December before the games start shipping. The main thing we're waiting on now is for the games to get into the queue to start being shipped. 

If you're outside the US or in the US and didn't order add-ons, you should be getting one package. 

If you are in the US and ordered add-ons, you'll be getting between one and three packages. If you haven't gotten all your shipment in one package, don't worry! It could be coming separately. I've also started shipping add-ons and you could be getting them starting next week. It's not a for sure timeframe as I have a few places with the add-ons and they are being shipped from 4 different locations. (Yes, this shipping process is way more difficult than needed, but that's life and what happens when both I moved and my main warehouse changed.)

I do apologize for the lateness of this update! I had thought that shipping would start... then it didn't. For a month. But things happen and we are definitely closer now than we were! 

- 💥🔥📗 Carla, Weird Giraffe Games
user avatar image for ✨Beth Jackson (She/Her)




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Weird Giraffe Games
9 months ago

Project Update: Explosion in the Laboratory Pledge Manager Information

Pledge Manager 

Soon, you’ll receive an email with a special link to your BackerKit survey. It’s important to respond to your survey as quickly as you can since I need this information to fulfill your rewards.

You don’t need to create a BackerKit account to fill out your survey. When you receive the email with the survey, click the survey link to respond. Answer the questions about your reward preferences, provide shipping information, and purchase add-on items if you like. You don’t have access to this survey link yet, but it will be available soon via email!

After you respond to your survey, you can go back later and change your responses at any time before I close the surveys and get the final counts.

If you need to review your information or pledge status, you can return to your survey by clicking the link in your survey email or requesting your survey link under "Lost your survey?" on the BackerKit project page at

If you backed Way Too Many Cats, your pledge has been added to that pledge manager. 

If you haven't received your pledge manager email by the end of the week or there's any other issue, please let me know by going here:

In Closing

If all goes well, I'm hoping that shipping can start near the end of September or early October. I'm hoping to get the pledge manager closed sometime mid-September so please fill out your pledge manager as soon as possible so all the numbers can get in and things can be shipped appropriately! 

Thanks for being so patient with everything! This took longer than I thought, but things are happening and that's the important part! 

As always, if you have any questions, comments, or anything else please submit a help ticket, unless it's an issue with the pledge manager. In that case, go here:

- 💥🔥📗 Carla, Weird Giraffe Games

user avatar image for ✨Beth Jackson (She/Her)




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Weird Giraffe Games
11 months ago

Project Update: June Update

The proof copy came in! I've been making fixes and running unguided playtests to make sure the rules and components are clear.

One aspect that took longer than expected was the box! It turns out it was a bit too small. So small, in fact, that it's hard to get the cards out. This is definitely not the best experience, so we did some iteration on the size of the box. To most people, the box will look the same. However! It will be a much better experience and sleeved cards should fit in the box.

Explosion Proof Copy

Fire in the Library Proof Copy

The files are undergoing the last rounds of proofing, then I should have them submitted in the next few days. The Fire in the Library second edition files have already been submitted, so it's simply getting that last round of proofreading in on Explosion in the Laboratory, then seeing what manufacturing says! 

In Closing

Manufacturing should be starting soooon! Once all the files are approved, my focus will be on getting the pledge manager out and making sure things are set up for fulfillment. The next update should be about the pledge manager! It's taking a bit longer than normal as I'm switching fulfillment companies, but hopefully it won't be too much longer. 

As always, if you have any questions, comments, or anything else please submit a help ticket

- 💥🔥📗 Carla, Weird Giraffe Games
user avatar image for ✨Beth Jackson (She/Her)




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Weird Giraffe Games
about 1 year ago

Project Update: May Update

All the files have finally been accepted by manufacturing and the proof copies have been made! Manufacturing sent along some photos and they'll be sending along the proof copies shortly.

Explosion in the Laboratory Proof Copy

Fire in the Library Proof Copy

Manufacturing is in the process of sending the games to me and they should arrive before the end of May. After the games come in, there will be another update with more photos, as these photos are nice, but more photos are better. 

Once the proof copies get in, I'll go through both games, making sure everything is great and correct. This might mean that mistakes will be found and files will need to be updated. As such, if I had to estimate, I'd think that the playtesting, fixes, and second round of manufacturing checks could take 2-6 weeks after I get the games.  The estimate is a bit open, as fixes take longer than not needing fixes and Origins is happening in June. Convention preparation tends to mean that other things don't happen as fast as I'd like. 

I'm also working on the pledge manager! I need to verify all the weights for the games so the pledge manager can't be complete until after the proof copies arrive, so hopefully the pledge manager will also be ready in the next month or so, as well. 

In Closing

Things are moving along again! I do apologize for not updating sooner, as I had a bit of a setback with my surgery recovery and that made everything a bit more difficult. Plus, I wanted to wait until there were some sort of pictures, as having milestones in updates is always more exciting than not having them, but that also took longer than expected. The important part is that Explosion in the Laboratory is still making progress and I'm still on track to heal eventually! 

As always, if you have any questions, comments, or anything else you can comment below or submit a help ticket. I highly recommend the help ticket option as BackerKit doesn't notify me when there are replies and I check here if I remember... but the help desk sends notifications.

There's also the Weird Giraffe Games discord, which is my favorite way to get to know more people. 

- 💥🔥📗 Carla, Weird Giraffe Games




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✨Beth Jackson (She/Her)
about 1 year ago

Project Update: March Update

Manufacturing Update

The files have been finished, sent to manufacturing, and I've submitted all the fixes. At the moment, I'm just waiting to hear back on if the fixes are fixed enough, then work can get started on the proof copy. 

Explosion in the Laboratory was always meant to be in a series of games. As I didn't make the progress I had hoped for due to the move, surgery, and surgery recovery, I made a decision to make the other two games in the trilogy ship with Explosion! This shouldn't hold anything up, as the games were originally supposed to have been made before Explosion anyway, but then Fire in the Library ran out and had to be reprinted, which changed up the timeline.  What this means for you, though, is that if you back Dreams of Yesterday or Motley in our latest backerkit campaign, you'll be getting those with your Explosion order AND you'll save money on shipping, as they'll ship together.
Dreams of Yesterday and Motley are both microgames (27 cards each) and while they're full, robust games of their own, their small size and all of the playtesting and development that have been done means that they'll be completed quickly. They've been designed to be a set of games, while also all being distinct. Whether you back the Dreams of Yesterday campaign or add Dreams of Yesterday and/or Motley to this pledge manager when it releases, you'll get the same discount: $16 for two games or $22 for three.
Note: If you do back both campaigns, you'll be charged the price listed on the Dreams of Yesterday campaign (and help us hit our goals there!) but the price will be adjusted during the pledge manager, so you'll be ahead of the curve when it comes to shipping! Look at you, being so supportive and awesome!

In Closing

Things are wrapping up and I can't wait to see the proof copies for both Explosion in the Laboratory and Fire in the Library. While I thought that the original box was a good idea, I'm way more happy with the looks of the shelf box and how sturdy it will hopefully be. Plus, seeing Fire in the Library in a brand new light will be great! It was the third game I published and getting to reprint it and redo everything has shown me just how much I've learned over the years. 

As always, if you have any questions, comments, or anything else you can comment below or submit a help ticket. I highly recommend the help ticket option as BackerKit doesn't notify us when there are replies.

- 💥🔥📗Carla, Weird Giraffe Games




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✨Beth Jackson (She/Her)
over 1 year ago

Project Update: February Update

Hello, all! I hope your February has been great and not too cold! 

First of all, sorry for the delays! It's definitely been a year of surprises for me so far. I learned I'd be moving very suddenly, handled that, and then had a doctor's appointment that led to surgery the next day! I'm in the process of recovering, but it's been a lot of pain and I've certainly not up to handling things as I normally would. There are several other people here on the Weird Giraffe Games team telling me to rest and take my time, so I'll do my best at actually resting and recovering, so I can get back to things and not need further surgery. 

There's also been some great stuff, including things related to this campaign!

Explosion in the Laboratory

We'll be releasing the initial print and play soon :D While this is our first time using BackerKit to crowdfund, it should be sent to the email you signed up with once it's complete.

We also have a digital version on Screentop that's playable as well, in case you'd like to play it with friends online or even locally without printing and cutting and sleeving! Corey Andalora, the designer of the game, was kind enough to put that together 💥 

Oh, and the box has changed! I had wanted to get a plastic case so the game could be super portable, but while that was my favorite option of the options I knew of, I recently discovered shelf boxes, which seem to work out even better than the plastic case! Plus, you can see more of the art; check it out below!

Explosion in the Laboratory 3d render

Explosion in the Laboratory 3d render with slightly open box

Fire in the Library

As for the Fire in the Library reprint, the promo cards are nearly ready and the game as a whole is getting finalized. I'm working on a box update to this, as well. The previous box was a magnet box, which the majority of people liked, but there were some complaints about. I'm now looking into having a shelf style box for this, as well, to see it just fixes everything! Wouldn't that be grand? 

In Closing

We've had some delays, but there's been progress as well! For the next update, I hope to have the following complete: 
  •  Files submitted and approved by manufacturing 
  • Pledge manager completed and near ready to send out

As always, if you have any questions, comments, or anything else you can comment below or submit a help ticket. In either case, Beth will get back to you as soon as she can. Submitting a help ticket will get her attention much quicker, as she doesn't get notified when people comment on BackerKit.

I hope the rest of your February is lovely, and there should be another update posted next month! 

Also! We'll be at Saltcon and Dice Tower West soon (I'll hopefully be at DTW myself as well, if I'm healed up enough to travel)! If you're going too, come check our booth out, we'd love to see you 💚 

- ⚗️🧪💥 Carla, Weird Giraffe Games




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✨Beth Jackson (She/Her)
over 1 year ago

Project Update: December Update

There have been a lot of updates made to Explosion in the Laboratory! The cards are nearly all finished and ready to go, check out some of the cards below! There are a few more updates needed to make the game super colorblind friendly and I'm hoping to get those done by the end of the week. 


The rules have been proofread and edited a few times, plus made a bit more fancy! If you have some spare time and want to proofread the rules, I'd greatly appreciate it! Plus, you could get your name in the rulebook! How cool would that be?

The rules are here:

If there's anything confusing, missing, or misspelled, please comment and let me know! If you don't have a google account, feel free to email me at [email protected]

In Closing

Explosion in the Laboratory is moving along! I'm hoping to get all the remaining files finished this month and hopefully approved by the printer. 

Here's what we're hoping to get done by the next update:
  • Explosion Rules Proofread and Updated 
  • Fire in the Library Reprint changes all finalized
  • Promo cards created and playtested
  • All the fixes submitted and accepted by manufacturing

Thanks again for all your support! Feel free to reach out to us with any comments and questions that you have.

- 🧪 Carla, Weird Giraffe Games





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Weird Giraffe Games
over 1 year ago

Project Update: The Explosion in the Laboratory Campaign is a Success! THANK YOU!

Thank you so much! What a fantastic finish to a great campaign: 376 backers and $7,001! It has been so rewarding to receive such a fantastic response. We are so proud of Explosion in the Laboratory and cannot wait for you to receive the game and get a chance to play it!

Campaign Status

I have updated the main campaign image to be the status image for the campaign. You'll be able to quickly check the status of everything, so you won't have to go through all the updates to know where we're at. I do hope you'll read the updates, though!

Campaign Status

It should take about 2 weeks for BackerKit to process and send us all of the funds, during that time we will be working hard to finalize things for manufacturing. I plan to post an update every month to keep you informed about what's going on. This means that there might be more than 4 weeks between updates, if one update happens early in the month and the next happens late in the month. 

If you have not received an email from BackerKit already, please take a look at your BackerKit account to verify that everything is in order with your pledge. If there's an issue, I'll be sending out messages later today and I can send you another one next week. If you have a different financial situation than when we launched for whatever reason and still want to get Explosion in the Laboratory, let me know; I can still get you into the pledge manager later on.


If anyone missed the campaign and still wants to back, they can do so here: 

Pledge Manager

Once the pledge manager is ready and we are close to manufacturing, I will send out invites, which is the system you will use to pay for shipping, as well as having an opportunity to add on some of our previous titles. Whatever amount you pledged now will be credited to you in the pledge manager, so you will be able to easily pick and choose the items you want.

This is typically later in the process than with most other publishers, but don't worry! We simply want to know exactly the climate we'll be shipping in AND we want to make it easy for all the people that move. 


We have a Discord server! You can join here: It's a joint server with Galactic Raptor Games. We'll have contests, giveaways, design and publisher talk, and random chats there, so if that interests you, you're welcome to join! It's one of the easiest ways to see all the most up-to-date things with Weird Giraffe Games, as we post there daily! 

Again, Thank You!

Explosion in the Laboratory is becoming a reality because of you. Thank you for your pledges, your enthusiasm, and your support. You have helped us create a rather amazing game and we definitely appreciate it.

In Closing

Things are moving along! We're more than on track to get Explosion in the Laboratory to you by summer 2023. This deadline has a good number of months added, just in case basically every step of the way goes slower than I anticipate. We're currently on schedule to hopefully get Explosion in the Laboratory to you in early 2023, but delays will happen at some point, as no process goes perfectly. Especially when we're still dealing with pandemic-related issues! Here's an estimated timeline, just so you know what's coming up:

Here's what we're hoping to get done by the next update:

  • All Illustration and Graphic Design Finalized
  • Rules Ready for Review

If you have any questions, please let us know! The very best way to reach us now that the campaign is over is via our helpdesk: 

Carla and the Weird Giraffe Games team





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Angel Drummond
over 1 year ago

Project Update: Stretch Goals: They're a Thing!

Hello all!

The Weird Giraffe Games team has been hard at work figuring out what exactly to do with stretch goals on this campaign. We didn't want to come up with a bunch of random stuff you can unlock and earn, and we're already planning high quality components. Even if we don't make another dime, we want you to have the game as it deserves to be! But then... what's a team to do for extras?

Enter... Promo Card Pack! As mentioned in our previous update, the stretch goals will be promo cards that will become the Promo Card Pack. These cards will go out to everyone who backs at the $9 pledge level or higher. And, as previously mentioned, every $500 over our original goal of $2,500 earns a single promo card. That's right, that means that, as of the time of writing this, there will already be FOUR promo cards coming since we're over $4,500! That's sooooooo amazing, by the way, thank you. With your help we can make even more!

In the past, we also did social goals as well. Things like sharing a post, following us on our various social media accounts, etc. And we have ideas for that too! So, here's a few ways we can get more promo cards: 

We'll also have a few more ways to earn promo cards in future updates, as well! 

We've seen some amazing interest in promo card ideas, and we'd love to know what kinds of promo cards you want. Do you have an idea for one? Even an inkling of an idea of one? Let us know whatever you've got! One of the best things about promo cards is that they can be ANYTHING! Totally silly? Absolutely! Full of puns? You know it! It would makes our day seeing what creativity you have inside you :D AND it's just plain fun, try it! Post your ideas below, or even start a new discussion if you prefer. Our home is your home. 😊
Thank you so, so much for being a part of this journey with us, we've been so delighted by the support we've received. You're all incredible, lovely people, and it's an honor having your support! If you have any questions, comments, or anything else, feel free to comment below or create a helpdesk ticket if you don't want it publicly visible.

- Carla, Weird Giraffe Games 





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Weird Giraffe Games
over 1 year ago

Project Update: Funded!

You are all so wonderful! This campaign has been amazing so far and it's all due to you. Together, we've guaranteed that Explosion in the Laboratory will be a reality and become a game. THANK YOU SO MUCH!

Stretch Goals

Since we are now funded, but we're not planning on having the traditional sorts of stretch goals for this campaign. Instead, we're going to be working with a promo pack of Weird Giraffe Games cards together! Every time we hit another $500 after $2500, we'll add in another promo card! I'll also be adding more ways for promo cards to be added in the next update! 

With the Fire in the Library second edition, this means that all the current promo cards need to be redesigned to fit in the new art and style. You can see these below! 

Updated Promo Cards for Fire in the Library

Remaking all the older promo cards seems like a great place to start with the Promo Pack! However... there's a lot of choices for what get added to this promo pack! The above promos were given out for supporting the Stellar Leap Kickstarter (Stellar Map) and for meeting the designers of Fire in the Library or visiting the booth at a convention (Forge Gloves and Rogue's Cloak). 

We'll be working with poker sized cards for this first promo pack, but that includes a lot of possible crossovers, including for Explosion in the Laboratory, Fire in the Library, Wicked & Wise, Studies in Sorcery, Stellar Leap, and some of the future games, as well! Beth Sobel has worked on some of those games, so her style could definitely make the promo cards have that extra touch! For instance, we could have a Bucket Treasure card added to Wicked & Wise. Or a Sword tool added to Fire in the Library! Or a Dragon inspired Process card for Explosion in the Laboratory! 

Since we already have promos in the promo pack for Fire in the Library, what sort of crossover promos for Explosion in the Laboratory would you like to see? Something more space themed, like the Stellar Map or more dragon themed for Wicked & Wise? 

FYI, I have files of abilities for promo cards for each game that could easily be slightly tweaked to be more... dragon-like or less impressive and more bucket-like. Plus, the playtesting team here is ready to go to verify that the promo cards are a good fit! 

Community Section

One of the best parts of crowdfunding is getting to know the people who support us better! I loved to use the comments section on Kickstarter to get to know you and hopefully we can do the same in the community section here. We have a ton of topics posted already, plus the one about the promos! Let's talk about it in the Community of the project! 

Thank You!

We are all so appreciative and humbled by the response to Explosion in the Laboratory. It's been a complete joy to work on and we can't wait to bring the game to you.

If you'd like to help us get to more promo cards, please keep sharing the campaign and reviews of the game. With your help, we'll add so many of them before too long!

Feel free to reach out, my email is [email protected] and I'd love to hear from you!

Thank you all so much!

Carla, Weird Giraffe Games





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