
My first thought was a child lord. Nothing is more unpredictable than a young kid. Perhaps the title could be The Lord of Youth or The Toddler King. They are an eternally young (5-6 year old) child who appears as a human child but there is always something changing about them (sex, hair color, skin color, the placement of a birthmark). Sometimes they appear before someone almost the same with just the slightest different every time which can be very unnerving. You can never be sure of their mood which can change in an instant for seemingly no reason and their demands can vary wildly from a simple comforting hug to answering impossible riddles. As for die faces: A - Mine: A grabbing hand or a teddy bear/toy: The nearest dice now belongs to the Toddler King until they grow bored of it. It is removed from the current reading. Again!: A smiling face or clapping hands: The Toddler King is so delighted in the nearest dice outcome it’s effects happen twice or are magnified in someway Rage: A closed fist: The Toddler King is displeased for an unknown reason. Slam your fists on the table or shake the table/cloth where the reading is taking place. Any dice that flip from the chaos must be read in their new position and face. Boring!: Sleepy Zzz or a yawning face: You begin to read the die closest to The Toddler King but they don’t want to listen and/or fall asleep. You must read the closest die as fast as possible (perhaps in 30-60 seconds) and whatever you manage to divine in that time is the true reading. My Turn!: A grabbing hand or a meeple/pawn: The Toddler King wants a turn rolling the dice! Why do get to have all the fun? The Toddler King grabs the 5 most central dice and rerolls them. Hungry!: A wide open mouth: The Toddler king “eats” the nearest die/dice until they are satisfied, thus removing them from the reading.