First, click on your profile icon in the upper right of Backerkit and select 'Your Pledges'. At the top of the 'Pledges' section, click on the link at the end of the first line that read: 'Manage your pledges. Need Help? Contact us.' NOTE: The FAQ states that before fulfillment shipping starts, refunds will be 75%, and after shipping starts, refunds will be considered on a case-by-case basis. I'm saddened to hear of your predicaments. I hope those that need to will make a note for the future to read, read, read before agreeing to any kickstarter, backerkit, crowdfunder, or other such thing. Sometimes those of us that seek and process the 'fine print' forget what it must be like to miss that information. RG and Backerkit have clear policies in place that are not in the 'fine print,' but easily available to those who take the time to read all of the content that has been posted. I can't help but think about how many questions have been asked in this forum that are clearly spelled out in the original campaign or the early updates. Perhaps I am a bit of a unicorn, in that I spend hours reading, re-reading, and even re-re-reading (if that is a thing) every KS, BK, or CF campaign before they end and I am committed fully to the purchase (save for any refund policies). UPVOTE for basing campaign purchases on the entirety of information in the campaign whether you read it or not. DOWNVOTE for basing campaign purchases on a few flashy images, videos, or FOMO before thinking it through.





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