Replies to Justin D. Jacobson (Board Game Necromancer): Project Update: Hello First Achievement! Goodbye Citadel!

Nice update!! I got a few questions: - will the events of the monument stop if they are destroyed? -how does it works with the guilds of alliance? Guilds could be on monument or you would have to put guilds only on places where their building is available? -the shard effect seems very strong? Does it apply to every foes? Even the adversary? I feel like it could make the game too easy maybe


When you begin your game, you select the expansion you wish to play with (none/Alliances/Covenant). So it doesn't appear you can use guilds AND monuments in the same game. Not without house rules, at least.


Damned what a disappointment if we cannot play both expansions at the same time :(


Having playtested Covenant we couldn't use the Alliances expansion with Covenant because we NEEDED the power skulls from Alliances to proxy the Doom Skulls of Covenant. This was because there was NO other way to proxy them. However, when we get the physical Covenant expansion we will have Doom Skulls separate from the Power Skulls of Alliances and thus I believe we will be able to play both expansions simultaneously as long as the app developers allow for it.


@Eclipse that’s exactly what I thought. To me there is no reason both couldn’t play simultaneously. Except for that question about how to place guild halls everything seems to match immediately.


Covenant has a lot going on, especially with the Wasteland tokens. I think mixing both Alliances and Covenant into a single game wouldn't be any fun. With fewer initial buildings, harder movement, and the guild effects, you'd probably be losing very quickly.


I don’t feel the same. I love to have a lot to think about to make my decisions. The best is to have the choice to put them together or not depending on your expectations :)


I would love to have the ability to "officially" combine both expansions. That being said, I think it could be overwhelming for some, leading to many early losses and chants of "This game is unfair!". From a game design/balance perspective, there may be quests/events in the game that would be different/broken with the monuments in play. With monuments, some buildings start off the board and may never come into play. So, an example a quest effect of "place a skull on each village" would now be 3 skulls instead of 4, making that effect a bit less painful. Anyway, I'm sure RG looked at combining Alliances with Covenant in the app and determine it didn't make sense. Maybe it can be something for down the road.