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Dino Garner

Author and photographer Dino Garner grew up in Europe his first 14 years, with a two-year interruption so his father could teach at the University of Georgia and later prepare to fly the F-4 Phantom in Vietnam. His Dad was the famed 8th Tactical Fighter Wing’s weapons and tactics & standardization/evaluation officer who flew 241 combat missions in 1968-69.
While living in Europe, Dino learned several foreign languages and traveled extensively to dozens of countries, also learning their culture and history. He visited many WWII battlefields and began his collection of military awards, decorations, badges and insignia.
At an early age, he developed a passion for fighter aviation and often accompanied his Dad on the flightline at numerous Air Force bases in Europe. Dino interacted with hundreds of fighter pilots and support personnel over many years, and learned all about fighter aviation from behind the scenes.
Professionally, Dino was a research biophysicist who developed the world’s first successful shark cell culture, done as an undergraduate student working at Mote Marine Lab in Sarasota, FL, did research on electroreception in sharks, and on biophysical mechanisms of memory storage in single neurons.
As a graduate student, he received the two most prestigious fellowships in the sciences: National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowship and National Institutes of Health Graduate Fellowship.
As a scientist, he developed the world’s sharpest glass microelectrode for impaling single neurons, and was able to conduct sensitive membrane-biophysics experiments at an unprecedented level.
During his science days, he also flew in the back seat of all US military high-performance fighter and attack aircraft. His images appeared on the covers and interiors of Time, Newsweek, US News and World Report, and in many newspapers and books. A self-portrait of Dino pulling 9Gs in an F-16 Viper was on the cover of Smithsonian Air & Space magazine.
At age 35, Dino enlisted in the US Army, graduated #2 in his Ranger Indoctrination Program class, and reported for duty as the oldest Airborne Ranger recruit in the history of the 1st Ranger Battalion. In less than a month, he earned the Expert Infantryman Badge (EIB) and was chosen to represent all enlisted Rangers at the EIB presentation ceremony, where Korean War Ranger, Col. Ralph Puckett, pinned on the coveted badge. Dino and his fellow Rangers served alongside SEAL Team Six aboard the aircraft carrier, USS America.
After an honorable discharge from the Army, Dino later went on to do more than 220 overseas missions in civilian special-operations, primarily escorting people out of hostile territories, and later hunted poachers on additional missions in Africa. He developed innovative tactics that saved the lives of hundreds of people and animals. Sekir Baschka!
During breaks from overseas missions, Dino did studio photography and developed ground-breaking techniques to photograph jewelry and Mentor breast implants. His one-of-a-kind engineered tools that held each piece of jewelry, plus the worldclass lighting of partner/studio owner Richard Salas, enabled the studio and the ad agency to control a 40% market share of all jewelry photography in the US for a nine-year period.
Dino's images of breast implants were so unusual, they were used by Mentor and cosmetic surgeons for a dozen years. No other photographer has ever matched them.
Dino was also a New York Times bestselling ghostwriter and editor of many books. Years back, he edited Dan Brown’s The Da Vinci Code and Angels & Demons, among dozens of others, contributed to the stories by many prominent authors, and mentored many others who were at the time, or later became, New York Times bestselling authors.
Today, he ghostwrites, edits and produces nonfiction books about history, current events, geopolitics and religion, breathes life into old and ancient books of interest to contemporary readers, and publishes quirky novels about suicide and other deliciously violent topics.
His other book, also to be published in 2023, is 61 Is The New 41: Crosstrain Yourself To Health And Well-Being, and also features novel information about our gut microbiome and its direct connections to all our organs and human diseases.


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