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Ndayambaje Gabriel Emmanuel

I am called Emmanuel Gabriel Ndayambaje and I am a Burundian by nationality and an immigrant in Uganda. I fled my country Burundi due to politic involvement of my father who was a deputy chief of defense forces in Burundi military 2007-2010. Both my parents died and I grew up as orphans from age 14. No one supported my higher education, I could work and pay for my school fees from secondary 2 to technical college where I got my diploma in CEM (Computer Economic and Mathematics),It wasn’t easy for me to study day and in the evening I could work, this part was a test of my life but I accepted it until 2017 November I decided to come to Uganda where we were hosted as refugees me and my father before his death. I spent my first two years in Nakivale Refugee Settlement and saw many community were committed in supporting fellow refugees but they lacked were to get hand support, I started developing some of the CBO(Community Based Organization Developing for them websites and show the challenges most fellow refugees face and how they want to solve, but most CBO couldn’t afford the price of development because they couldn’t have financial capabilities, I came to understand these challenges are not only faced in the Refugee Camp I am living maybe other refugee camps face the same challenge, I came with idea to develop the Social Networking Platform where communities, CBO, Entrepreneurs, Non-profit, Humanitarian Organizations and Government Organization can meet in the Space to discuss and raise funding causes, and other donors across continent or any other community/CBO or any humanitarian agency can support they causes.


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