Curseborne tabletop roleplaying game
In Curseborne, you play as Accursed, descendants of monstrous lineages lurking in a modern world that closely resembles our own.

Reprint Repro-a-GoGo
Help us reprint the Trinity Continnum Core Rulebook, Trinity Continuum: Æon, and Scion: Origin!

ABYSSALS: Sworn to the Grave for Exalted 3E
Help us create a PDF and limited edition hardcover for Abyssals: Sworn to the Grave for Exalted 3E.

Trinity Continuum: Aether Tabletop Roleplaying Game
Pledge to help us create a beautiful edition of Trinity Continuum: Aether and deliver it to backers and into stores.

EXIGENTS: Out of the Ashes for Exalted 3rd Edition
Help us create a PDF and limited edition Hardcover for Exigents: Out of the Ashes for Exalted 3E.
![THEY CAME FROM THE CYCLOPS'S CAVE and [CLASSIFIED]](https://d1wgd08o7gfznj.cloudfront.net/uploads/project/image/34071/1d1d28ae6b483a2f1ff1ef9ac56fc72b_original.png)
Help fund the development and production of TWO new rulebooks for the THEY CAME FROM... tabletop roleplaying game line.

Lore of the Traditions for the Mage 20th Anniversary TTRPG
Pledge to help us create a beautiful deluxe edition of M20 Lore of the Traditions providing in-depth details for all Tradition Mages.

Trinity Continuum: Anima Tabletop Roleplaying Game
Pledge to help us create a beautiful edition of Trinity Continuum: Anima, with two different ways to play, and get it into stores!

W20: The Apocalyptic Record
Deluxe W20 Apocalyptic Record

Squeaks in the Deep Tabletop Roleplaying Game
Help fund the development and printing of Squeaks in the Deep, a Realms of Pugmire sourcebook, for fans and retail distribution

Exalted: Essence Tabletop Roleplaying Game
Help us create a traditionally printed version and a deluxe version of Exalted: Essence.

Trinity Continuum: Adventure! Tabletop Roleplaying Game
Help us to create a traditionally printed version of Trinity Continuum: Adventure! and get it into stores!

Victorian Mage TTRPG
A major historical sourcebook for Mage: The Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition

Scion: Dragon and Scion: Masks of the Mythos for Scion 2E
Two new pathways for Scion Second Edition! Scion: Dragon and Scion: Masks of the Mythos

Dead Man's Rust - a mega-adventure for Scarred Lands 5E
Help us to create a physical edition of the Dead Man's Rust mega-adventure for Scarred Lands, and get the book into your game store!

Ghost Hunters for World of Darkness 20th Anniversary
Deluxe Ghost Hunters for World of Darkness 20th Anniversary Edition.

Scion: Demigod - Book 3 for the Scion Second Edition RPG
Scion: Demigod - Book 3 for the Scion Second Edition Tabletop Roleplaying Game

They Came from Beyond the Grave!
A dramatic, hammy, and horrifying tabletop roleplaying game encompassing the shock, terror, eroticism, and humor of 1970s horror.

Legendlore RPG Setting for 5th Edition Fantasy Roleplaying
Legendlore RPG

M20 Technocracy Reloaded
Order a Deluxe Edition of Technocracy Reloaded, a supplement for Mage: The Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition

Hunter: The Vigil Second Edition tabletop roleplaying game
Help us to create a traditionally printed, hardcover, edition of Hunter: The Vigil Second Edition, and then get it into stores!

Cults of the Blood Gods for Vampire: The Masquerade 5th Ed.
Help us create a beautiful, traditionally printed hardcover of V5 Cults of the Blood Gods and get it into distribution and stores!

Mummy: The Curse 2nd Edition
Help us create a beautiful hardcover, traditionally printed, version of Mummy: The Curse 2nd Edition and get it into stores.

Deviant: The Renegades - a tabletop roleplaying game
Contribute to help us create a traditionally printed version of Deviant: The Renegades, a new game in the Chronicles of Darkness line.

Scarred Lands Creature Collection for 5th Edition RPG
Help create a new Creature Collection hardcover book and get it in stores.

Trinity Continuum: Aberrant
Contribute to help us create a traditionally printed version of Aberrant, a setting expansion for the Trinity Continuum tabletop RPG

Pirates of Pugmire - A Realms of Pugmire Tabletop RPG
Contribute to help us create a traditionally printed game book featuring pirates in the Realms of Pugmire - and get it into stores.

Contagion Chronicle - a Chronicles of Darkness crossover
Let's get the Contagion Chronicle crossover Chronicles of Darkness book into stores!

Lunars: Fangs at the Gate for Exalted 3rd Ed.
A deluxe supplement detailing the Lunar Exalted for the Exalted 3rd Edition tabletop RPG

They Came from Beneath the Sea!
The greatness of B-movies brought to life at your table!

Chicago By Night - for Vampire: The Masquerade 5th Edition
Help create a beautiful Chicago By Night tabletop RPG hardcover source book for Vampire: The Masquerade 5th Edition !

Dystopia Rising: Evolution Tabletop RPG
Help us create a traditionally printed, full color, hardcover game book and then get it into stores.

Geist: The Sin-Eaters 2nd Edition
Originally released in 2009, Geist: The Sin-Eaters was a sleeper hit for the Chronicles of Darkness, finally bringing “life” to the realm of ghosts and death. And now this game of second chances gets a second edition, with Geist: The Sin-Eaters 2nd Edition, offering a revised and updated rules system and an expanded setting.

Fetch Quest - a deck-building game in the Realms of Pugmire
Fetch Quest is a family-friendly cooperative deck-building game. Each player represents a pioneer, one of six adventurous dogs on a dangerous quest. The pioneers work together to overcome dangerous challenges and resolve missions. Once the missions are resolved, the quest is finished and the players win the game.

Dragon-Blooded: What Fire Has Wrought for Exalted 3rd Ed.
Dragon-Blooded: What Fire Has Wrought is a core expansion for the Exalted tabletop roleplaying game. Exalted 3rd Edition is set in a mythic world where spirits walk openly among men, warring demigods topple kingdoms, and the restless dead roam on moonless nights. Heroes granted power by the mightiest gods war and intrigue against one another for the fate of Creation. These are the Exalted!

The Trinity Continuum is a vast timeline of adventure, speckled with dramatic points across the past, present, and future, where heroes - or villains - arise. While each setting supplement will explore part of the Trinity Continuum timeline, these points in time aren't dots in a straight line - this isn't a long-form metaplot to be simply read aloud. Instead, they're points of quantum probabilities. Anything can happen, so it's up to you and your cast to make it happen!

Changeling: The Lost 2nd Edition
In Changeling: The Lost, you take on the role of an ordinary person who has seen the extraordinary. Lured or abducted by the alien Gentry, you have passed the gates and Hedges between our world and the vast fantastic. Changeling: The Lost began in 2007, and amassed some of the most passionate fans the Chronicles of Darkness has ever known. Now, it’s reborn in its second edition, which tells new tales and builds on lessons learned in the past ten years. We’re jumping back into the brambles, and letting the scar tissue from last time protect us. Changeling: The Lost, Second Edition will include the many kinds of changelings and their Courts, powers and other perks for the Lost, antagonists such as Huntsmen, Hedge Ghosts, and of course the True Fae, and cities from around the world with their own local Courts.

Cavaliers of Mars is a swashbuckling roleplaying game and adventure setting from Rose Bailey, longtime developer of Vampire: The Requiem and other World of Darkness titles. Cavaliers draws inspiration from pulp fantasy and historical fiction, adding a modern edge and an exotic setting. Cavaliers of Mars is powered by the DEIMOS system, in which a hero’s motivations and approach to problems strongly influence her chance of success. In combat, heroes face off with their enemies in contests of tactics and chance.

Chronicles of Darkness: Dark Eras 2
Chronicles of Darkness: Dark Eras 2 starts out presenting a chapter for each of six historical eras; each of which features two Chronicles of Darkness game lines which include Vampire: The Requiem, Mage: The Awakening, Hunter: The Vigil, Changeling: The Lost, and more! The rules in this book are compatible with second edition Chronicles of Darkness. Each terrifying time period and location is examined through the supernatural creatures that dwell there.

Monarchies of Mau Fantasy Tabletop RPG
Contribute to help us create a beautiful traditionally printed fantasy game book featuring cat monarchies - and get it into stores.

Prince's Gambit Casual Vampire Card Game
Maneuver for position in the court of the vampire Prince in this fast-paced, casual card game in the world of Vampire: the Masquerade.

Scion 2nd Edition Tabletop RPG
Contribute to help us create and traditionally print Scion 2nd Edition Tabletop RPG's first two books and get them into stores!

Deluxe V20 Beckett's Jyhad Diary
Contribute to help give the Deluxe V20 Beckett's Jyhad Diary an embossed+, bookmarked, full-color, unique deluxe treatment.

Pugmire Fantasy Tabletop RPG
Contribute to help us create a beautifully illustrated, traditionally printed hardcover version of Pugmire for sale in stores.

Scarred Lands Player's Guide — Fantasy RPG setting for 5th Edition & Pathfinder
In the hands of the original creators, this 3e FRPG setting of a world torn by war between gods & titans returns for Pathfinder and 5e.

Deluxe Changeling: the Dreaming 20th Anniversary Edition
Contribute to help give the Deluxe C20 Edition a leather bound, embossed+, silk bookmarked, gold-edged, full-color, deluxe treatment.