Get Ready for the Battlezoo Monster Ancestries Hardcover for 5E and Pathfinder 2e
by Roll For Combat
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Become The Monster!
With the Battlezoo Monster Ancestries Hardcover, we're taking all the content that was released throughout 2023 with the Battlezoo Year of Monsters, fine-tuning it, expanding the ancestries, and adding new options for players and GMs! Inside this hardcover, you'll find:
Expanded Ancestries! After meeting with the fans and getting feedback on the original ancestries, we're fine-tuning and expanding several ancestries with new abilities, lore, and features.
Updated Layout! We're refining the original layout to make the entries clearer and easier to read.
New Art! We're adding several new pieces of art throughout the book that are not found in the original Year of Monsters.
Brand New Content! There are a few new things we are adding to the hardcover. If we get funded, these new player options will be added to the Hardcover book (note: this expansion applies to everyone who bought the hardcover in any form before this campaign):
Slimeheart: A versatile heritage for characters of other ancestries who have become infused with slime.
Faerie Scion: A versatile heritage for the children of sidhe, as well as those who were forever changed when they ate the faerie food and drank the faerie drinks.
Demonic Marauder: An archetype allowing a demon character to spend class feats to gain even more of their demonic power back in exchange, akin to the draconic ravager and dragon mage archetypes from Battlezoo Ancestries Dragons.
Nymph Queen: An archetype allowing a nymph character to gain sovereignty over the land, spending class feats for significant power, akin to the draconic ravager and dragon mage archetypes from Battlezoo Ancestries Dragons.
Yai Adept: An archetype allowing an oni character to gain greater power from the elemental wellspring that empowers yai oni, potentially even ascending to the power of a void yai, by spending class feats akin to the draconic ravager and dragon mage archetypes from Battlezoo Ancestries Dragons.
Plus Much More!
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