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Get Ready for Confluence: The Living Archive

by Publishing Goblin, LLC

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Join the mailing list to be notified when we go live. Backers who presave and pledge at the PDF tier or higher will receive an exclusive adventure module by Jay Dragon with their purchase.
Confluence is a TTRPG like nothing you’ve experienced before: A genre-blending game of fantasy, sci-fi, and horror, built to tell collaborative character and place-driven stories. Ajurea is world of meeting, where strange phenomena called Confluxes Pull people, objects, and even entire cities together across 700,000 years of time and over 40 worlds.

In this first release, players experience the region of Motley Coast exploring the kaleidoscopic coast, to the underwater labyrinths, to the floating forest-cities, where everything here is constantly changing.

Prepare to change with it.
Confluence uses an original base d6 dice pool engine, unique narrative tools, and a wide range of options for character customization and mechanical variety. Players and Story Leaders work together to weave their characters into the world of Ajurea, building relationships with the people and places they meet. Along the way, characters will encounter peculiar anomalies, strange and wonderful vistas, and a cast of colorful and unique NPCs.

Anything you find can become a Focus and change the shape of your story. Are you ready to get Pulled in?
Story Leaders bring three to four of your friends and explore over 1000 pages of material across four bound books and two zines all designed to support your stories. 
  • The Atlas Volume 1: The Motley Coast - an in-world guide to the setting
  • Sujatha’s Journal - an in-world guide to Lineages, Magics, and Ajurea itself
  • The Confluence Guide to the Living Archive - the Story Leader and Player rulebook
  • The Catalog of Lists - a guide to help customize your characters
  • Calibration Zine - a guide to running your first session and introduction to the rules
  • So You Want to Build It Zine - a guide to building your own Confluence RPG tools

What makes Confluence RPG unique is its Atlas. The Atlas is an in-world text and setting guide, full of handwritten notes, fliers, letters, story hooks, and even mechanics. As players immerse themselves in Motley Coast, they add to that ephemera, making the world their own.

The Confluence Team has partnered with Alchemy to bring you a Confluence VTT! 

The Confluence RPG Content Universe will be available to all backers at PDF Bundle tier or higher on Alchemy RPG. 

Alchemy is the world's first virtual tabletop (VTT) built specifically for cinematic immersion and theater of the mind gameplay. Its scene-based structure empowers gamemasters to tell incredible stories with animated environments, particle effects, ambient sound, and music.

The Confluence Team has partnered with Pixel Table, to bring our userbase custom digital tools including a Confluence Wiki, Focus Card Database you can add to, and an interactive Infinite Canvas with character and Story Leader support. 

BUT, in the case of Pixel Table we need your help to make it happen. These tools will be a stretch goal on our campaign. 

If we can fund our Pixel Table stretch goal backers of the PDF tier and higher will receive the Founder designation which includes: 
  • Perpetual access to The Motley Coast materials
  • 1 Board with 1 Story Leader slot and 5 player slots 
  • Perpetual access to and use of the Focus Card Database 

Keep updated on our socials and check back after launch to see these tools in action and how you can support their creation!

Pledge in the first 48 hours to receive:
  • a free digital Focus Card deck with the purchase of the PDF Bundle tier.
  • a free Skywhale pin with the purchase of the Physical Bundle tier.
  • both the digital deck and the pin for the Get Pulled into Ajurea and higher tiers (excluding the Retailer's Bundle) .


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