πŸ’– WELCOME TO PINTOPIA β€” A creative celebration featuring over 175 creators launching pin and plushie projects on BackerKit from January 23 to February 13!

✨ Here’s how to earn exclusive rewards:

  • Cross-Collab Freebies: Look for projects marked as Cross-Collab partners! Back both projects in a pair at a physical reward level and earn a FREE pin from each creator. The more pairs you support, the more pins you collect!
  • Gold Pintopia 2025 Pin: Back 10 projects to unlock this exclusive reward, surveyed and shipped by BackerKit.

βš”οΈ Rewards at a glance:

  • 2 FREE pins for every Cross-Collab pair you back (one from each creator!)
  • 1 FREE limited edition Gold Pintopia 2025 Pin when you back 10+ projects

⭐ PRO TIP: Maximize your freebies by supporting Cross-Collab pairs! For example, support 5 Cross-Collab pairs (10 projects) to earn up to 20 exclusive pins!

*Check individual project pages for specific requirements.
**Gold Pin unlocks require backing physical items from each project.

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Pintopia 2025

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πŸ‘‘ Count of Projects Backed

How many projects did everyone back?

# Projects Backed Backers
1 5989
2 1736
3 586
4 398
5 242
6 223
7 124
8 96
9 68
10+ πŸ… 873

πŸ‘‘ Top Cross-Collab Projects

Back both projects and earn a free reward.

Enamel Pins
Girls Love Girls
about 22 hours ago

Project Update: [LAST GOAL] Meet the pins: Valentine

surprise ! I have one more pin for you as the campaign is coming to an end. We're only a few days away from the campaigns end and i know we can reach this last goal of 34k ! Meet valentine ! She wants to be yours this year ;) She's a 3.25inch pin and is classified as deluxe!

With Valentine being introduced and Yin and Yang before her I've also added one new reward tier: Down Bad Bundle
This bundle saves you $10 and includes one of each pin in the campaign as well as the sticker !

This is also the last chance to back both pocket's and my campaigns to get a FREE collar pin ! Dont miss out on her lovely pins especially the beautiful lady ;)

When we reach $34,000 Valentine will be unlocked !
Goal: $34,000 reached! β€” We did it! This project reached this goal!
user avatar image for Jaizure




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Pintopia 2025
On Its Way


2 days ago

Project Update: Frog update #8 - New pledge level, add-ons and more final days info!

Ribbits everyone 🐸

The last 4 days have started!!
In this lengthy update: a new pledge level, new add-ons, info if you want to switch pledges, combined shipping, freebie collab pin backing card sneak peek and some other important stuff!

Thank you all for the fun responses on the sketches of the Tomato frog and Fringed tree frog!
Tomorrow I'll be meeting up with Roundbirbart and will finish both the frogs. So just keep an eye out on the project page if you wanna see them finished. Don't wanna clutter your mailboxes with so many updates! (Unless, you want me to make Frog Update #9 to show off the Tomato frog and Fringed tree frog! πŸ‘€)

With the last 4 days upon us and many questions, so here's some extra information:
  • The Early Frog rewards are linked to your email of your account. So you can switch to whatever pledge and still keep the Early Frog rewards! Nothing to worry about.
  • There's one new pledge level: 'all 16 frog pins The whole pond'! With this pledge level you can choose 16 frog enamel pin that are unlocked. Fingers crossed we unlock the last two so everyone can choose one of each frog design. This pledge level also contains the extra board fillers set!
  • The 'All 12 frogs pins' pledge level has been changed to '12x enamel pins' and still active.
  • The board filler set is now also available as a separate add-on. Previously I mentioned everyone can just choose the 'One frogtastic frog' add-on to also pick the board fillers. But for overview on my end I decided to split this up. 'One frogtastic frog' is only for the frog enamel pins. 'One board filler set' is only for one set of board fillers. Please switch add-ons if necessary! 
    Important: The tadpoles cannot be purchased separately. They are only available as one set of 3 different tadpoles!
  • Each pledge of 3 or more pins will have one set of board fillers added for free automatically. No need to add an add-on for that, unless you want another set added.
  • The four stretch goal frogs (Black rain frog, Fire-bellied toad, Tomato frog and Fringed tree frog) plus the board filler tadpoles will also be available on an additional sticker sheet! This one can also be found in the add-ons section for €3. These are not added to the Early Frog rewards so you have to add them yourself if you want these too.
  • One of the tadpoles of the board filler set will be black nickel. I played around with the idea and decided to go for it. So the board filler set will contain 2 gold plated tadpoles and 1 black plated tadpole. The overview on the project page have been updated accordingly.
  • The campaign ends on 13th of February (22:00h Amsterdam time for me) and after that there cannot be made any changes to your pledge and add-ons. So be sure to double check everything before then! 
  • When the campaign has ended I'll set up the Project Survey which you will receive a few weeks after. In this survey I'll collect the shipping address, any additional info and you will be able to pay for the shipping. (I looked at the page to set up the survey and uh.. woah. I'm gonna need some time and lots of tea to figure this all out, haha! Luckily Roundbirbart has offered to help. All to say: please have patience for me while waiting on the survey, thank you so much)

For those who missed: our combined shipping deal! 🐸 πŸ’Œ
We forgot to add this to the campaign page, but we’re offering combined shipping for those of you who back both Frogtastic Frogs and Birds of Rotterdam our partner project!
Since Roundbirbart and I are locals we will meet up and do the bulk of the fulfillment together. When you opt in for combined shipping we will bundle all of your pins into one package and only charge shipping costs on one of the campaigns. Those who opt in will be charged for shipping on Birds of Rotterdam, and will have their shipping fees waived on Frogtastic Frogs.
If you’re interested in combined shipping you’ll be able to let us know during the project surveys!

And last but not least a sneak peek for the backing card for the freebies!
Since we'll be offering combined shipping we can actually place both of our freebie pins on one cute backing card! It'll be a vertical backing card depicting a little pond with reed on the background. The ducky and frog pin will be pinned on the card so it will look like they are on the water surface on their lily pads. This is still a rough sketch so expect the end result to be a bit more refined.

Phew I think that's it! Thank you all so much for taking your time to read these updates, please, if there are any questions do not hesitate to ask them! I'd love to help or figure things out for you.

Thank you all so much for the support and the fun reactions! I'm truly grateful to have this campaign as my first ever and to have it go like this, truly Frogtastic! 🐸

- Appel
Let's add another one, shall we!
Goal: €8,000 reached! β€” We did it! This project reached this goal!
Lemme add this frog to the pond too!
Goal: €9,000 reached! β€” We did it! This project reached this goal!
And with this one we are complete.. for now!
Goal: €9,510 / €10,000
We need €490 more to reach this goal.




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about 23 hours ago
36 votes β€’ 6 days left




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1 day ago
When we reach $34,000 Valentine will be unlocked !
Goal: $34,000 reached! β€” We did it! This project reached this goal!
user avatar image for Jaizure




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about 15 hours ago

Project Update: Final Days: $1200 GOAL! / STICKERS / PIN ORDER

Hi everyone!!!

I have some exciting news, first. I did some digging in the manu department and found a way that should allow me to make the entire set of pins if I can get the goal to be at (or above) $1200. For context, that was the original goal to just make TWO of the pins- so this is great!! If we don't reach exactly that number I may be able to put in a little of my own funds to achieve this goal, but I really do need your guys's help, so anyone who wants to pledge for any of the pins- please do so before the end of the campaign! I'm going to do everything I can to make sure all of these guys get made in the end!

ALSO: I had multiple people asking about stickers! I have decided to make an add-on for stickers to try and boost our way up to our new goal. Stickers will be for one character so if you want multiple character's stickers, you will have to add on more than one sticker. Sticker add-ons are only for people who have pledged for at least one pin just to keep shipping and handling simple. Stickers will be holographic, as well! :)

We are close to the end but this goal is still within reach.

Oh yes- and I forgot to mention! The poll finished, so this is the official order of the pins, currently:

So- with the new goal in mind, hopefully we can make everyone, but if not, we can be pretty sure that at least DOGGY, KITTY, and most likely FOXXY will be made. We'll see how things go!!

Thanks so much everyone :) And if you know of anyone who was holding back for a certain design, please feel free to let them know about this update!!
If we can get the fund to be $1200 or more, I should be able to make all of the pins!
Goal: $1,176 / $1,200
We need $24 more to reach this goal.
user avatar image for snapling




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Kira Night
2 days ago

Project Update: New Goodies! Charms + Prints | New Higher Tier!

As you may have noticed, the "Deep One" design won the washi poll! I'll get to work finishing that one up. :)

Acrylic charms are finally available as add-ons!

All of the designs from the main collection (15 different designs) are available as simple acrylic charms, the artwork measuring around 2 inches (50 mm). The designs are the same on each side, but with minor color variations.
Keychain attachment subject to change, but I'd like it to be gold for consistency!

Now some more complex charms:
The cervinae hexapodaβ€”pride of Moon Hollow Archive, and one of our largest specimensβ€”makes its first public appearance here. A biological anomaly once known to haunt this very area... Now encased in acrylic!

This acrylic charm is just under 3 inches, and will be coated in epoxy or resin.
While the artwork isn't 100% finished, I think you can get the sense of what this acrylic charm will look like! Color/contrast adjustments, as well as more nuanced details in side A's skeleton are on the way.

And there's one more large charm design. Is there anything we can't encase in acrylic?

A bit more niche, this charm of the Curator is large, at around 3.5" and will be coated in epoxy or resin! The artwork is pretty close to done, but I am going to boost the colors/contrast, and add paintings within each gold frame.

Do charm enjoyers like holographic or glitter effects? Are there other effects you'd like to see? There's a new poll for you charm folks!

Prints of these designs are also available! These are the same size as the gold foil print for consistency, but without gold foil effects. Double-sided, printed on thick cardstock with a soft touch coating on the front. There's also a bundle with both curator prints, since they go together. 

The artwork is the same as the charms, and will be due for the same bit of polishing.

A new Higher Tier with more add-ons!
This tier features everything in Arcane Collector (14 pins + foil print), plus the 25mm washi tape, all of the stickers (15 designs), the iron-on patch, the 3 new prints, and the 2 new large acrylic charms. I didn't include the small acrylic charms, as it seemed redundant with stickers and maybe a little too cluttered, but I'm open to adding them or giving them their own tier/add-on bundle if some folks really love charms. Let me know!

I'm also open to a few new bundle or tier ideas, but I will not be making any tiers lower than the $18/One Pin tier. In part to keep things fair for my cross-collab partner, who is offering a huge 4 inch pin as a cross-collab freebie for backing both this project and her project Sorceress.

Speaking of, I wanted to shout out my cross-collab partner Jeszika! She has a bunch of new designs and a cool bonus embroidered patch now available. Each pin is over 4 inches tall, and is intended as an enamel and metal art piece.

She's got a few more beautiful designs in progress, too.

Well, that's it for now! These are the final additions to Moon Hollow Archive, aside from a couple Curator stickers for folks who requested them. I hope you find some new spooky treasures that resonate with you! As we move into the final days of Pintopia, I'll keep polishing up artwork and show you the progress.

Thanks again for all of the support! This Pintopia has been incredible and I honestly can't believe how much we've raised! :O
66 votes β€’ Final results
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Dream Keep Kingdom (by Shottsy)
about 20 hours ago

Project Update: Only 500 away from Stress Ball Plush! New Achievments unlocked and Poll!

Hello Dreamers, 
Been trying to catch up. Backerkit was also down for a little bit, but we are back and rolling along! Just 3 short days left to order! 

Peppercorn Pin unlocked! 

Popcorn Enamel Pin unlocked! 

We are only $500 away from our first stressball plush plus the β€œChocness Monster” pin unlock. If he proves popular we may try him as either a stressball plush or weighted plush in the near future. 

We have a new poll to see which unicone you’d like as a stressball plush. I’d also like to ask since we are so near the end, and just about to reach the stress-ball. Would you rather all the stretch goals be the stress-ball plush or do you still want us to try for the larger weighted Rainbow Sherbet plush? 

We have decided based on the numbers that back in 2016 when we designed these that they may have proved much more popular, but this campaign has helped us to reevaluate the changing times and we have plans to maybe focus them more as the stress-ball going forward. So once the weighted plush versions of them are sold out they will NOT be made again so if you’d want one be sure to grab one now as we are going to be producing the just bare minimum of them and once sold out they will never be made again. 

Also we have been in talks for creating pajamas. Would you guys be interested in Mythical Munchies Pajamas/ lounge pants? Which characters would you like to see most? Comment below! 

There will be another poll about those coming up soon! 
26 votes β€’ about 13 hours left
Once we reach this goal the β€œPeppercorn” 2” enamel pin unlocks!
Goal: $18,789 / $19,000
We need $211 more to reach this goal.
If we reach this goal Popcorn Pin unlocks!
Goal: $18,789 / $19,500
We need $711 more to reach this goal.
If we reach this goal our first ever debut of this character will be unlocked in pin form!
Goal: $18,789 / $20,000
We need $1,211 more to reach this goal.
Backer’s choice on first flavor stress-ball plush unicone flavor
Goal: $18,789 / $20,000
We need $1,211 more to reach this goal.
user avatar image for Dream Keep Kingdom (by Shottsy)




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4 days ago

Project Update: Unlocked collections + new stretch goals

Hello everyone!

Currently, I am away from my computer, so I’ll try to update what I can.

Voting results:
#1 unlocked: crows!
#2 unlocked: magic cats!!

I know I said that I’ll have another as a stretch goal, but because the rest of them are relatively close in votes, (crows and witch cats really took it) I’ll be sketching some more collections whilst on vacation.

Additional collections to be sketched
- Cerberus
- fenced fields / farm animals
- red panda
- axolotl
- modifications to arctic foxes, space, and mushroom to include other ideas

Welp that’s gonna be a lot, but I’ll definitely have some downtime each day which I can quickly sketch some ideas down. I understand this isn’t everyone’s idea, but sadly, there isn’t enough time ;; I’ll definitely consider them for future projects tho!! I really do appreciate everyone’s input.

Please look forward to more ideas!!!

Regardless of the collection that gets unlocked, the stretch goals will be as follows

$20,000 - new collection unlocked
$23,000 - new collection unlocked
$26,000 - new collection unlocked

If anyone is wondering why $3,000 gaps in between instead of $2,000, it is honestly because I’m preparing for any increased import fees that I will have to pay upfront when receiving the bags and pins. 
user avatar image for MindytheTurtle




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2 days ago

Project Update: Updates+ Funding Goals Restructured! Pen Pals Unlocked!

hello all! First off, I want to say thank you for all of the love on my angel pins, im really happy to be received so kindly!πŸ’•πŸ’Œ

I decided to make some changes to the funding goals! I really wanted to try to get all of them unlocked, especially for the people who were interested in getting the full set. Its unlikely there will be any extra stretch goals, but i hope with your support we can unlock the last one! πŸ’•

Due to this change, Pen pals is now unlocked! πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰ See the new stretch goals below! 1000 Cranes goal has been changed to 2300USD, which is now attained, and Happy Birthday's goal is now 3200USD, which we are now about 345USD away from unlocking 4/4 pins! πŸ’Œ

Once we reach this goal, we'll unlock 1000 cranes!!
Goal: $2,300 reached! β€” We did it! This project reached this goal!
Once we reach this goal, happy birthday will be unlocked!
Goal: $3,115 / $3,200
We need $85 more to reach this goal.
user avatar image for bunccino




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2 days ago

Project Update: πŸ† Head in the stars... You did it thank you !

  • We are so happy to say we unlocked the 9500€ achievement congratulations you all ! πŸ₯³

  • Only 4 days left now and we are proud to say we already prepared a part of the pledge manager for the surveys but also for the preorder store and there is some little surprises waiting for you πŸ‘€

  • "Silver Stardust" is now available as Add-on for 12€ (white is glow in the dark) and we made a little discount to thank you all for making this possible πŸ₯Ί 

Status from the polls so far : 

- Fairy Dust : Blue/Purple variant definitely won and the poll is now closed thank you so much for the most voted poll ever in the campaign !
- Divination Tools : Stardust & Mini Candle are equal with 1 day left !
- Last thematic set : Necromancer is number 1 with 45% VS Vampire 43% with 4 days left !
- New Stardust - Divination : Blue variant is number one so far with 50% and 1 day left !

Thank you so much for all the votes, comments & ideas this is so nice to be able to communicate with you all πŸ₯°

  • 🚨 Also a reminder that after the campaign you won't be able to qualify for the cross-collab freebie and neither for the mini pins freebies inlcuded in the pledge only 🎁

Thank you for reading us so far ❀

Once we reach 9500€ we will unlock a new variant ADD-ON for "Stardust" !
Goal: €9,500 reached! β€” We did it! This project reached this goal!
Once we reach 300 backers we will unlock this special pin !
Goal: 241 / 300 backers
We need 59 more to reach this goal.




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