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Deep sea mermaids

user avatar image for Abysmal Kaiju

A collection of mermaids and merpeople based on deep sea or strange sea creatures, along with those same creatures as companions!

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Abysmal Kaiju
4 days ago
Gearing up for launch! Pin line up finalized and freeby finished
Hey everyone! Super excited to share a few things with you all! First of all: check the freeby! She’ll be 1.75 inches and gold metal. In related fun news, we have the winn...
Abysmal Kaiju
18 days ago
Merfolk pins are finalized, survey to help pick whose first up now!
Hey everyone! I’m so excited for this project, I’m pretty sure that I’ve got all the designs done and how I want them, so that means it’s survey time! Help me out by followin...
If you love all things deep sea this is the project for you! The larger pins will be clocking in at approximately 2.5 inches, and the animals will be approximately 1.5.

If you are interested, feel free to vote on my survey here, so i can hear your voice on which design to unlock first! You can also give me your thoughts and ideas if you like. It helps me avoid putting them in the wrong order, and I really appreciate your feed back.