Allison Weyda
about 1 month ago

Project Update: 📣Preorder Store + Survey Update📣

Hello Everyone!


You can access the store HERE!

This storefront is intended for those who didn't get a chance to pledge, but are still interested in getting merch from the campaign.
If you already have pledged and want to edit or add items, that will be available to do in the upcoming survey.

Preorders will ship immediately AFTER crowdfunding orders are fulfilled. This is the last chance to get these at items at a discount before they are in my Etsy store later this year. 


The survey is almost complete and just needs to be sent for review. This is my first time using the Backerkit survey builder, so there is somewhat of a learning curve and has taken a bit longer than expected.

Prior to everyone receiving the surveys, a Smoke Test set of surveys will be sent to about 5% of backers. The smoke test is to help identify and troubleshoot any potential issues with the surveys before they get sent to everyone. If you're one of the smoke test recipients, please let me know of any problems you encounter while completing it right away so I can resolve them. 

Once the problems are found and corrected, surveys will be sent to all backers. The faster they are completed, the faster I can get final counts and get you your orders.


There are still quite a few failed payments from pledges. Be sure to check your payment information as soon as possible so your pledge will go through. Tomorrow, May 2nd, is the last day for Backerkit to follow up on payments. There will also be a chance to adjust payment options at survey time, but please make sure you info is up-to-date so your pledge doesn't get rejected!

I'll be sure to send another update when surveys start to go out!

Thank you so much!




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