Nao (HelloStrays)
16 days ago

Project Update: READ ME: Surveys are live!

Hi, everyone!

I am super pleased to announce that the surveys are completed and LIVE! Thank you for your patience! Backerkit was a big help with making sure the surveys were clear and easy to understand. I hope it was worth the slight delay since there shouldn't be any issues regarding the survey!

You will be emailed your survey. You can also find it by logging into your Bacerkit account!

You can also find it here!

🌸 You can choose your color/ style!

You can choose the exact color/ style for your items in your survey! Take your time and I hope you have fun selecting your new friend(s). I am really excited to see what colors are popular!

🌸 FREE keychain if you finish your survey by May 15th!

Completing surveys by this time will help me determine the right amount of each item to order! It is a huge help to me, so I hope that getting a free keychain will encourage you all to complete your survey by that time. That gives you about a month!

Isn't it cute?

🌸 Can I add on more items to my pledge?

YES! You will be able to add on additional items to your pledge, as well as pay, all in one spot!  You will also be able to select the exact color, styles etc for each item!

🌸 Shipping is collecting during surveys

As the stated on the survey, all shipping will be collected through surveys. This makes sure that we have an accurate box weight! If you have any questions, comment below.

🌸 What if I move?

No worries! You can change your address up until November and/or when we begin shipping everything out. Don't worry, I will give updates to remind you all.

🌸 Patreon Hood

Please refer to the latest Patreon Update (you can also find it here) to find out how to claim your Patreon Hood! You can also find a mockup of the Hood on that update! :)

🌸 Tanuki Plush toys + Natural Orange Anxiety Fox?

These are getting their final (hopefully) pass on prototyping and should be completed by this week! If you want to wait until the prototypes are done before completing your survey, you are more than welcome to!  

🌸 Be sure to refer back to this update for changes!

I may update this update in order to add in more information, especially for answers for frequent questions.

That should be everythign!
Thank you all SO SO SO MUCH!!! If you have any questions, please comment below!

In the mean time.. new photos from the Factory!!!

user avatar image for Nao (HelloStrays)




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