Asmadi Games - Chris
11 months ago

Project Update: Timeline: Fulfillment, Gen Con, Adventure!

Hello, future(soon!) explorers of the ancient Aegean. I am here today to share dates! 

The print run has concluded and games are already on their way to our warehouses. Right now, we expect fulfillment to start the first week of August for the US/Canada, and later in August for other regions (games will be shipping from hubs for Europe and AU/NZ).  This timeline is our current estimate if no delays at all happen. Customs, freight, trains, and labor actions like the potential UPS strike can all affect that, so it's possible things can be delayed by a couple days or a couple weeks. We'll update you when the boxes actually hit our building.

There's a small convention at the start of August that we attend each year called "gen con", and it turns out that those "perfect" dates are pretty much right in the middle of it! There's a world in which we might have some copies there to hand out to backers who want to pick up on-site, show to people at the convention, and sell a few if it works out. Will that happen? Ehhh, I don't have a ton of faith in quick freight these days, so it's unlikely we'll have more than 1 or 2 games to show off.  But it's possible! 

If you are *theoretically interested* in picking up at Gen Con, please send an email to [email protected] with your name and email (the BackerKit one, if it's different from the one you're emailing from). Near the end of July, if it looks like this is a real possibility, I'll contact you all with more details.  I'm excited to get the game to everyone regardless, and that date is closing in! 

Hope everyone is having a good Summer (or Winter for you Southern Hemispherians)
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